28.8. Configuring SFSB and Session Timeouts in EAP

The timeout for stateful session beans must be longer than the timeout for HTTP sessions, or the stateful session bean may timeout before the user's HTTP Session ends. The EAP has a default session bean timeout of 30 minutes, which is configured in server/default/conf/standardjboss.xml — to change this, replace default with your own preferred configuration.
In the LRUStatefulContextCachePolicy cache configuration, modify the value of max-bean-life to change the default stateful session bean timeout:

    <!-- SFSB timeout in seconds; 1800 seconds == 30 minutes -->

You can modify the default HTTP Session timeout in server/default/deployer/jbossweb.deployer/web.xml for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1. The following entry in the web.xml file controls the default session timeout for all web applications:
  <!-- HTTP Session timeout, in minutes --> 
To override this value for your own application, simply include a modified version of this entry in your application's own web.xml.