18.2. Using JAXB with the Atom Provider

The org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.atom.Content class lets you marshal and unmarshal JAXB-annotated objects that form the body of an entry's content. The following code is an example of sending an Entry with a Customer object attached as the body of the entry's content.
@XmlRootElement(namespace = "http://jboss.org/Customer")
public class Customer
   private String name;

   public Customer()

   public Customer(String name)
      this.name = name;

   public String getName()
      return name;

public static class AtomServer
   public Entry getEntry()
      Entry entry = new Entry();
      entry.setTitle("Hello World");
      Content content = new Content();
      content.setJAXBObject(new Customer("bill"));
      return entry;
The Content.setJAXBObject() method tells the content object that you are returning a Java JAXB object to be marshaled. If you use a base format other than XML (for example, application/atom+json), the attached JAXB object will be marshaled into that format.
If your input is an Atom document, you can also extract JAXB objects from Content by using Content.getJAXBObject(Class class). The code that follows is an example of extracting a Customer object from the Content:
public static class AtomServer
   public void putCustomer(Entry entry)
      Content content = entry.getContent();
      Customer cust = content.getJAXBObject(Customer.class);