Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Web Server

5.3. Extracting and Installing Enterprise Web Server

Extraction and installation of Enterprise Web Server differs for the ZIP and Solaris packages. Depending on the resource you have downloaded proceed to either Procedure 5.3, “Extracting and Installing EWS from a ZIP File” or to Procedure 5.4, “Extracting and Installing EWS from Solaris Packages”.

Procedure 5.3. Extracting and Installing EWS from a ZIP File

Follow this procedure to install JBoss Enterprise Web Server from a ZIP file:
  1. At the shell prompt, become the root user.
  2. Change to the directory with the ZIP file.
  3. Run the following command to extract the package to opt:
    # unzip <FILE_NAME> -d /opt
    Substitute the <FILE_NAME> with the name of the downloaded ZIP file.
  4. Issue the following commands to run the post-installation script:
    cd /opt/redhat/ews/etc
    sh .postinstall
    The post-installation process creates the tomcat and apache users and groups, and directories:
    • The users and groups apache with an ID of 48 and tomcat with an ID of 91. The apache runs httpd, while the tomcat user runs tomcat.
    • Additional directories the tomcat group has write permissions to:
      • /var/logs/tomcat5
      • /var/logs/tomcat6


    The system uses the /opt directory as a default directory for installing JBoss Enterprise Web Server. Make sure the /opt directory is present during installation.

Procedure 5.4. Extracting and Installing EWS from Solaris Packages

Before starting the installation make sure you have root access to the system and that you have downloaded the Solaris package intended for your Solaris version and architecture (refer to Section 5.2, “Downloading Installation Files”).
When installing from a Solaris package, the system installs JBoss Enterprise Web Server automatically in the /opt/redhat/ews directory. As a part of the installation, the package installer executes custom scripts, which set up the apache and tomcat user accounts.
Follow this procedure to install JBoss Enterprise Web Server from Solaris packages:
  1. At the shell prompt, become the root user.
  2. Run the following gunzip and pkgadd commands to decompress and install the package:
    gunzip RHATews-1.0.*
    pkgadd -d RHATews-1.0.*
    The command returns an output similar to the following:
    The following packages are available:
    1  RHATews     JBoss Enterprise Web Server (i386) 1.0.0,REV=2.el5
    Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
  3. Type 1 or press enter to confirm the installation. The following information appears:
    JBoss Enterprise Web Server(i386) 1.0.0,REV=2.GA
    The end user license agreement ("EULA") governs the use of the various software modules that collectively comprise JBoss Enterprise Middleware
    and any related updates, source code, appearance, structure and organization,
    regardless of the delivery mechanism.
    The JBoss Enterprise Middleware EULA can be found here:
    ## Executing checkinstall script.
    Using </opt> as the package base directory.
    ## Processing package information.
    ## Processing system information.
    ## Verifying disk space requirements.
    ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
    ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
    This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
    permission during the process of installing this package.
    Do you want to continue with the installation of <RHATews> [y,n,?]
  4. Type y and press enter when prompted to confirm the installation. Installation starts and the following appears:
    ## Executing postinstall script.
    Apache group (id=48) already exists. +++ or created if not
    Apache user  (id=48) already exists.
    Generating private RSA key ... OK
    Generating new (+++ user hostname displayed here) certificate ... OK
    Tomcat group (id=91) already exists.
    Tomcat user  (id=91) already exists.
    JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.
    Either set the  JAVA_HOME  or edit the configuration
    scripts inside `/opt/redhat/ews/etc/sysconfig' directory
    and set the JAVA_HOME to the installed JDK location.
    Installation of <RHATews> was successful.
  5. Issue the following command to display the package information:
    pkginfo -l RHATews


    During installation, the system generates a notice that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set. You need to set this variable specifically for the Tomcat you wish to run (refer to Procedure 5.5, “Configuring Tomcat” section).
  6. Run the following command with the respective Tomcat version to execute the script:
    The script detects the running JVM version and adds the /opt/redhat/ews/lib path (/opt/redhat/ews/lib64 for 64 bit JVM) to the library path.