Red Hat Training

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12.22. Implementing a Binary Source Reader

  1. To implement a binary source reader, observe the following parse method implementation:
    public static class BinaryFormatXXReader implements SmooksXMLReader, StreamReader 
        private String xProtocolVersion;
        private int someOtherXProtocolConfig;
        // etc...
        public void parse(InputSource inputSource) throws IOException, SAXException {
            // Use the InputStream (binary) on the InputSource...
            InputStream binStream = inputSource.getByteStream();
            // Create and configure the data decoder... 
            BinaryFormatXDecoder xDecoder = new BinaryFormatXDecoder();
            // Generate the XML Events on the contentHandler...
            // Use xDecoder to fire startElement, endElement etc events on the contentHandler (see previous section)...
        // etc....
  2. Configure the BinaryFormatXXReader reader in your Smooks configuration as you would any other reader:
    <smooks-resource-list xmlns="">
        <reader class="com.acme.BinaryFormatXXReader">
             <param name="xProtocolVersion">2.5.7</param>
             <param name="someOtherXProtocolConfig">1</param>
                ... etc... 
        ... Other Smooks configurations e.g. <jb:bean> configs for binding the binary data into Java objects... 
  3. Run the Smooks execution code (note the InputStream supplied to the StreamSource). In this case, two results are generated: XML and Java objects.
    StreamResult xmlResult = new StreamResult(xmlOutWriter);
    JavaResult javaResult = new JavaResult();
    InputStream xBinaryInputStream = getXByteStream();
    smooks.filterSource(new StreamSource(xBinaryInputStream), xmlResult, javaResult);
    // etc... Use the beans in the javaResult...