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Chapter 76. Jing

Jing Component

The Jing component uses the Jing Library to perform XML validation of the message body using either:
Note that the MSV component can also support RelaxNG XML syntax.

URI format

Where rng means use the RelaxNG XML Syntax whereas rnc means use RelaxNG Compact Syntax. The following examples show possible URI values
Example Description
rng:foo/bar.rng References the XML file foo/bar.rng on the classpath
rnc: References the RelaxNG Compact Syntax file from the URL,
You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...


Option Default Description
compactSyntax false
Whether to validate using RelaxNG compact syntax or not.


The following example shows how to configure a route from the endpoint direct:start which then goes to one of two endpoints, either mock:valid or mock:invalid based on whether or not the XML matches the given RelaxNG Compact Syntax schema (which is supplied on the classpath).
<camelContext xmlns="">
        <from uri="direct:start"/>
            <to uri="rnc:org/apache/camel/component/validator/jing/schema.rnc"/>
            <to uri="mock:valid"/>

                <to uri="mock:invalid"/>
                <to uri="mock:finally"/>