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admin:create, create — creates a new child container


admin:create [ --help ] [[ -l ] | [ --location ] filePath] [[ -furl ] | [ --featureURL ] URL...] [[ -f ] | [ --feature ] feature...] [[ -s ] | [ --ssh-port ] SSHPort] [[ -rs ] | [ --rmi-server-port ] RMIServPort] [[ -r ] | [ -rr ] | [ --rmi-registry-port ] | [ --rmi-port ] RMIRegPort] [[ -o ] | [ --java-opts ] javaOpts] { name }


Table 4.7, “admin:create Arguments” describes the command's arguments.

Table 4.7. admin:create Arguments

--help Displays the online help for this command
-l, --location The location of the child's data folders on the file system. By default, the child's data is added to the InstallDir/instances/name directory
-furl, --featureURLRegisters additional feature URLs with the child.
-f, --featureSpecifies additional features loaded by the child.
-s, --ssh-port The port number for remote secure shell connection
-rs, --rmi-server-port The port number for RMI server connection
-r, -rr, --rmi-registry-port, --rmi-port The port number for RMI registry connection
-o, --java-optsJVM options to use when launching the child
name The name of the child