Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

5.3. Model Extension Definition Registry (MED Registry)

A MED registry keeps track of all the MEDs that are registered in a workspace. Only registered MEDs can be used to extend a model. There are three different types of MEDs stored in the registry:
  • Built-In MED - these are registered during Teiid Designer installation. These MEDs cannot be updated or unregistered by the user.
  • Local MED - these are created or imported by the user. These MEDs can be updated, registered, and unregistered by the user.
  • Imported MED - these are imported automatically when the server starts for the first time. Any functions that depend on these MEDs are available after the server starts for the first time.
The MED Registry state is persisted and is restored each time a new session is started.