Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

12.7. Development Considerations

  • MetadataRepository instances are created on a per VDB basis and may be called concurrently for the load of multiple models.
  • See the MetadataFactory and the org.teiid.metadata package javadocs for metadata construction methods and objects. For example if you use your own DDL, then call the MetadataFactory.parse(Reader) method. If you need access to files in a VDB zip deployment, then use the MetadataFactory.getVDBResources method.
  • Use the MetadataFactory.addPermission and add MetadataFactory.addColumnPermission method to grant permissions on the given metadata objects to the named roles. The roles should be declared in your vdb.xml, which is also where they are typically tied to container roles.