Chapter 10. Scheduler Service

The Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite engine employs scheduler service to execute jobs at a scheduled time and date. Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite has three types of scheduler service:

Default scheduler service that manages its own thread pool to allocate available worker threads for the scheduled task. This service is best for a single node use case.
Scheduler service implementation backed by EJB Timer Service. You can enable this if you have a jbpm-services-ejb-timer-XXX.jar file in your application. This service is only available under Java EE container and uses the container’s thread pool. This service is best for a single node use case.
Scheduler service implementation backed by Quartz job scheduler. You can enable this when Quartz is configured. For more information, see Setting Quartz in the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Installation Guide. This service is required for a cluster use case.

For WebSphere, use clustered EjbSchedulerService instead of QuartzSchedulerService, even in a cluster use case. For more information, see How to set up BPM Suite Timers to work in Websphere Application Server clustering on the Red Hat website.