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Installing on JBoss EAP

Red Hat Fuse 7.0

Install Fuse 7.0.0 on JBoss EAP 7.1

Fuse Documentation Team


Use this guide to help you install JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP.

Chapter 1. Installation Guide Overview

Structure of Red Hat Fuse 7.0

In Red Hat Fuse 7.0 (Fuse) you have a choice of installation platforms. Fuse can be installed on Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.1 (JBoss EAP) or as a standalone Fuse on Karaf package.

The product is installed in packages. There are the base packages for Fuse on JBoss EAP or Karaf, and supplementary packages for additional functionality.

Installation TypeComponentsPrerequisite Packages

Fuse on Karaf



Fuse on JBoss EAP


JBoss EAP 7.1


Fuse on JBoss EAP is not supported with Domain mode.

Chapter 2. Read Me

2.1. Back Up Your Data


Red Hat recommends that you back up your system settings and data before undertaking any of the configuration tasks mentioned in this book.

2.2. Red Hat Documentation Site

Red Hat’s official documentation site is at There you will find the latest version of every book, including this one.


EAP_HOME refers to the root directory of the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform installation on which JBoss Fuse is deployed.

2.4. MODE

MODE refers to the standalone mode that your instance of JBoss EAP is running in. For more information about MODE see JBoss EAP Operating Modes. Substitute standalone whenever you see MODE in a file path in this documentation.

Chapter 3. Install Fuse on JBoss EAP


Fuse must be installed on JBoss EAP 7.1. If you need to install JBoss EAP 7.1, download it from JBoss EAP 7.1 Installer Download. See JBoss EAP 7.1 Installation Guide for installation instructions.

Install Fuse using Installer

  1. Download the Red Hat Fuse 7.0.0 on EAP Installer package:

    1. Browse to the JBoss Fuse Software Downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal and, when prompted, log in to your customer account.
    2. Select version 7.0.0 from the Version dropdown menu and click the Download link for the Red Hat Fuse 7.0.0 on EAP Installer package.
  2. Navigate to $EAP_HOME in a clean instance of JBoss EAP.
  3. Run the downloaded installer with the following command:

    java -jar TEMP_LOCATION/fuse-eap-installer-7.0.0.fuse-000085-redhat-1.jar

Once a datastore has been selected at installation, it cannot be changed.

Chapter 4. Start and Stop the Application Server

You need to start the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance for JBoss Fuse to run. This is because the JBoss Fuse components run on the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform container.


Fuse on JBoss EAP is not supported with Domain mode.


For more information about starting and stopping JBoss Enterprise Application Platform using alternative and more advanced methods, see the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Configuration Guide.

4.1. Start JBoss EAP 7.1

You can start JBoss EAP 7.1 as a standalone server.

Start the Platform Service as a Standalone Server

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

    Run the command: EAP_HOME/bin/

  • For Microsoft Windows Server:

    Run the command: EAP_HOME\bin\standalone.bat

  • Optionally specify additional parameters:

    To print a list of additional parameters to pass to the start-up scripts, use the -h parameter.

4.2. Stop JBoss EAP 7.1

You can stop JBoss EAP using the Management CLI or by pressing CTRL+C in the terminal.

To stop JBoss EAP using the Management CLI:

  1. Launch the Management CLI by running the EAP_HOME/bin/ command:

    $ EAP_HOME/bin/
  2. Connect to the server by running the connect command:

    [disconnected /] connect
  3. Stop the server by running the shutdown command:

    [standalone@localhost:9999 /] shutdown
  4. Close the Management CLI by running the quit command:

    [standalone@localhost:9999 /] quit

To stop JBoss EAP by pressing CTRL+C:

  1. Navigate to the terminal where JBoss EAP is running.
  2. Press Ctrl+C to stop JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Appendix A. Preparing to use Maven

A.1. Overview

This section gives a brief overview of how to prepare Maven for building Red Hat JBoss Fuse projects and introduces the concept of Maven coordinates, which are used to locate Maven artifacts.

A.2. Prerequisites

In order to build a project using Maven, you must have the following prerequisites:

  • Maven installation — Maven is a free, open source build tool from Apache. You can download the latest version from the Maven download page.
  • Network connection — whilst performing a build, Maven dynamically searches external repositories and downloads the required artifacts on the fly. By default, Maven looks for repositories that are accessed over the Internet. You can change this behavior so that Maven will prefer searching repositories that are on a local network.


    Maven can run in an offline mode. In offline mode Maven only looks for artifacts in its local repository.

A.3. Adding the Red Hat Maven repositories

In order to access artifacts from the Red Hat Maven repositories, you need to add them to Maven’s settings.xml file. Maven looks for your settings.xml file in the .m2 directory of the user’s home directory. If there is not a user specified settings.xml file, Maven will use the system-level settings.xml file at M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml.

To add the Red Hat repositories to Maven’s list of repositories, you can either create a new .m2/settings.xml file or modify the system-level settings. In the settings.xml file, add repository elements for the Red Hat repositories as shown in Adding the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Repositories to Maven.

Adding the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Repositories to Maven

<?xml version="1.0"?>

          <name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>
          <name>JBoss Public Repository Group</name>



A.4. Artifacts

The basic building block in the Maven build system is an artifact. The output of an artifact, after performing a Maven build, is typically an archive, such as a JAR or a WAR.

A.5. Maven coordinates

A key aspect of Maven functionality is the ability to locate artifacts and manage the dependencies between them. Maven defines the location of an artifact using the system of Maven coordinates, which uniquely define the location of a particular artifact. A basic coordinate tuple has the form, {groupId, artifactId, version}. Sometimes Maven augments the basic set of coordinates with the additional coordinates, packaging and classifier. A tuple can be written with the basic coordinates, or with the additional packaging coordinate, or with the addition of both the packaging and classifier coordinates, as follows:


Each coordinate can be explained as follows:

Defines a scope for the name of the artifact. You would typically use all or part of a package name as a group ID — for example, org.fusesource.example.
Defines the artifact name (relative to the group ID).
Specifies the artifact’s version. A version number can have up to four parts: n.n.n.n, where the last part of the version number can contain non-numeric characters (for example, the last part of 1.0-SNAPSHOT is the alphanumeric substring, 0-SNAPSHOT).
Defines the packaged entity that is produced when you build the project. For OSGi projects, the packaging is bundle. The default value is jar.
Enables you to distinguish between artifacts that were built from the same POM, but have different content.

The group ID, artifact ID, packaging, and version are defined by the corresponding elements in an artifact’s POM file. For example:

<project ... >

For example, to define a dependency on the preceding artifact, you could add the following dependency element to a POM:

<project ... >

It is not necessary to specify the bundle package type in the preceding dependency, because a bundle is just a particular kind of JAR file and jar is the default Maven package type. If you do need to specify the packaging type explicitly in a dependency, however, you can use the type element.

Appendix B. Verify Your Red Hat JBoss Fuse Installation

After you complete the JBoss Fuse installation, you can verify if the product has been installed successfully.

If no error was reported, you can verify the installation by performing the following steps:

  1. Start the JBoss EAP server by running the command
  2. Open the server.log file to check if any error messages have been logged and that SwitchYard (and other component subsystems) have loaded correctly
  3. Open the Fuse Management Console (http://localhost:8080/hawtio) in a browser. Sign in using the administrative user that you set up on the JBoss EAP installer. If the Fuse Management Console runs and you can log in then the installation has been successful.

Add a User ID to Fuse on JBoss Fuse on JBoss EAP

To add administrative users to JBoss EAP, use the add-user utility script provided with JBoss EAP.

  1. Navigate to $EAP_HOME/bin.
  2. Run the add-user utility script.
  3. Press ENTER to select the default option a to add a management user. All the defaults can be selected by pressing ENTER.
  4. Enter a User ID and password. Repeat the password.
  5. Enter yes to indicate that you want to add the new user ID to the Management Realm.
  6. Enter no to indicate that the new user ID is not for a remote connection of any kind.
[userid@localhost bin] $ ./

What type of user do you wish to add?
 a) Management User (
 b) Application User (

Enter the details of the new user to add.
Realm (ManagementRealm) :
Username : manageuser
Password requirements are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the configuration file.
 - The password must not be one of the following restricted values {root, admin, administrator}
 - The password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s)
 - The password must be different from the username
Password :
Re-enter Password :
What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)[  ]:
About to add user 'manageuser' for realm 'ManagementRealm'
Is this correct yes/no? yes
Added user 'manageuser' to file '$EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/'
Added user 'manageuser' to file '$EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/'
Added user 'manageuser' with groups  to file '$EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/'
Added user 'manageuser' with groups  to file '$EAP_HOME/domain/configuration/'
Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?
e.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls.
yes/no? no

For more information about creating users on JBoss EAP see Adding a Management User in the JBoss EAP Administration and Configuration Guide.

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