Chapter 7. Performing Tasks after Overcloud Creation

This chapter explores some of the functions you perform after creating your Overcloud of choice.

7.1. Creating the Overcloud Tenant Network

The Overcloud requires a Tenant network for instances. Source the overcloud and create an initial Tenant network in Neutron. For example:
$ source ~/overcloudrc
$ neutron net-create default
$ neutron subnet-create --name default --gateway default
This creates a basic Neutron network called default. The Overcloud automatically assigns IP addresses from this network using an internal DHCP mechanism.
Confirm the created network with neutron net-list:
$ neutron net-list
| id                    | name        | subnets                                            |
| 95fadaa1-5dda-4777... | default     | 7e060813-35c5-462c-a56a-1c6f8f4f332f |