Chapter 10. Run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid in Library Mode (Single-Node Setup)

10.1. Run the Quickstart Class


These quickstarts use the Infinispan quickstarts located at The following procedure uses the infinispan-quickstart/embedded-cache quickstart.

Procedure 10.1. Run the Quickstart Class

  1. Open the File

    Open the file called in the infinispan-quickstart/embedded-cache.
  2. Add the Quickstart Class

    Examining the file we can see that this class creates a DefaultCacheManager and then obtains a local reference to the default cache, as no cache name is specified:
    package org.infinispan.quickstart.embeddedcache;
    import org.infinispan.Cache;
    import org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager;
    public class Quickstart {
       public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
          Cache<Object, Object> c = new DefaultCacheManager().getCache();
  3. Copy Dependencies and Compile Java Classes

    Use the following command to copy all project dependencies to a directory and compile the Java classes from your project:
    $ mvn clean compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DstripVersion
  4. Run the Main Method

    Use the following command to run the main method:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* package org.infinispan.quickstart.embeddedcache.Quickstart