11.7.6. Hot Rod PutIfAbsent Operation

The putIfAbsent operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.17. PutIfAbsent Operation Request Fields

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Lifespan vInt Contains the number of seconds before the entry expires. If the number of seconds exceeds thirty days, the value is treated as UNIX time (i.e. the number of seconds since the date 1/1/1970) as the entry lifespan. When set to the value 0, the entry will never expire.
Max Idle vInt Contains the number of seconds an entry is allowed to remain idle before it is evicted from the cache. If this entry is set to 0, the entry is allowed to remain idle indefinitely without being evicted due to the max idle value.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.18. 

Response Status Details
0x00 The value was successfully stored.
0x01 The key was present, therefore the value was not stored. The current value of the key is returned.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.