Chapter 2. Resolved issues

2.1. AMQ .NET

  • ENTMQCL-794 - Transactions do not work with .NET Core

    In earlier releases of the product, rolling back transactions when using AMQ .NET on .NET Core did not work as expected.

    In this release, transactions on .NET Core function correctly.

2.2. AMQ Python

  • ENTMQCL-483 - Selectors fail with non-Unicode strings

    In earlier releases of the product, using a non-Unicode string for the Selector option on Container.create_receiver() could result in a corrupt selector value.

    In this release, the library internally converts non-Unicode strings to Unicode.

  • ENTMQCL-498 - Unsigned types can hold negative values

    In earlier releases of the product, the client allowed setting some unsigned numeric types to negative values, resulting in illegal AMQP data on the wire.

    In this release, the unsigned type constructors throw an error if they are given an illegal value.