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19.5. Security Authentication Implementations Available for the Service Registry

jUDDI Authentication


Do not use this authentication method in a production environment. It accepts any credentials provided, and effectively removes the need for clients to authenticate when accessing the registry.
The default authentication mechanism provided by the Service Registry is the jUDDIAuthenticator. jUDDIAuthenticator's authenticate phase checks to see if the, user ID submitted matches against a record in the Publisher table. No credentials checks are made. If, during the authentication process, the Publisher record is found to be non-existent, it is added "on-the-fly".
In the identify phase, the publisher ID is used to retrieve the Publisher record and return it. The Publisher inherits every property it needs from UddiEntityPublisher:
juddi.authenticator = org.apache.juddi.auth.JUDDIAuthentication
The authenticate phase checks that the user id and password match a value in the XML file. The identify phase uses the user ID to populate a new UddiEntityPublisher.
The CryptedXMLDocAuthentication implementation is similar to the XMLDocAuthentication implementation, but the passwords are encrypted:
juddi.authenticator = org.apache.juddi.auth.CryptedXMLDocAuthentication
juddi.usersfile = juddi-users-encrypted.xml
juddi.cryptor = org.apache.juddi.cryptor.DefaultCryptor
Here, the user credential file is juddi-users-encrypted.xml, and the content of the file will be similar to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<user userid="anou_mana" password="+j/kXkZJftwTFTBH6Cf6IQ=="/>
<user userid="bozo" password="Na2Ait+2aW0="/>
<user userid="sviens" password="+j/kXkZJftwTFTBH6Cf6IQ=="/>
The DefaultCryptor implementation uses BEWithMD5AndDES and Base64 to encrypt the passwords.


You can use the code in the AuthenticatorTest to learn more about how to use this Authenticator implementation. You can plug in your own encryption algorithm by implementing the org.apache.juddi.cryptor.Cryptor interface and referencing your implementation class in the juddi.cryptor property.
The authenticate phase checks that the user ID and password match values in the XML file. The identify phase uses the user ID to populate a new UddiEntityPublisher.
LDAP Authentication
Use LdapSimpleAuthenticator to authenticate users via LDAP's simple authentication functionality. This class allows you to authenticate a user based on an LDAP principle, provided that the principle and the jUDDI publisher ID are identical.
JBoss Authentication
A final alternative is to interface with third-party credential stores. You can link it to the JBoss Application Server's authentication component.
You will find the JBossAuthenticator class provided in the docs/examples/auth directory. This class enables jUDDI deployments on JBoss to use a server security domain to authenticate users.