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B.2. mod_cluster Proxy and Proxy Discovery Configuration Attributes

The following tables contain attributes and information about mod_cluster proxy and proxy discovery configuration attributes.

Table B.2. mod_cluster Proxy Discovery Configuration Attributes

Attribute Property Default Value
proxy-list proxyList -
proxy-url proxyURL -
advertise advertise true
advertise-security-key advertiseSecurityKey -
excluded-contexts excludedContexts -
auto-enable-contexts autoEnableContexts true
stop-context-timeout stopContextTimeout 10 seconds (in seconds)
socket-timeout nodeTimeout 20 seconds (in milliseconds)


When nodeTimeout is not defined the ProxyTimeout directive, Proxy is used. If ProxyTimeout is not defined the server timeout (Timeout) is used (default 300 seconds). nodeTimeout, ProxyTimeout or Timeout is set at the socket level.

Table B.3. mod_cluster Proxy Configuration Attributes

Attribute Property Default Value
sticky-session stickySession true
sticky-session-remove stickySessionRemove false
sticky-session-force stickySessionForce true
node-timeout workerTimeout -1
max-attempts maxAttempts 1
flush-packets flushPackets false
flush-wait flushWait -1
ping ping 10
smax smax -1 (uses the default value)
ttl ttl -1 (uses the default value)
domain loadBalancingGroup -
load-balancing-group loadBalancingGroup -