Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

Chapter 2. Embedded JBoss Data Virtualization (Technology Preview)

2.1. Technology Preview


Technology preview features provide early access to upcoming product innovations, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. However, these features are not fully supported under Subscription Level Agreements, may not be functionally complete, and are not intended for production use. As Red Hat considers making future iterations of technology preview features generally available, we will attempt to resolve any issues that customers experience when using these features. During the development of a technology preview feature, additional components may become available to the public for testing. Because technology preview features are still under development, Red Hat cannot guarantee the stability of such features. As a result, if you are using technology preview features, you may not be able to seamlessly upgrade to subsequent releases of that feature. While Red Hat intends to fully support technology preview features in future releases, we may discover that a feature does not meet the standards for enterprise viability. If this happens, we cannot guarantee that technology preview features will be released in a supported manner. Some technology preview features may only be available for specific hardware architectures.


Red Hat JBoss support will provide commercially reasonable efforts to resolve any reported issues that customers experience when using these features.