Chapter 11. Deploy the Hosted Engine using the Web Console

This section shows you how to deploy the Hosted Engine using the Web Console. Following this process results in Red Hat Virtualization Manager running as a virtual machine on the first physical machine in your deployment. It also configures a Default cluster comprised of the three physical machines, and enables Red Hat Gluster Storage functionality and the virtual-host tuned performance profile for each machine in the cluster.


  • The RHV-M Appliance is installed during the deployment process; however, if required, you can install it on the deployment host before starting the installation:
# yum install rhvm-appliance

Manually installing the Manager virtual machine is not supported.

  • Configure Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hosted Engine using the Web Console
  • Gather the information you need for Hosted Engine deployment

    Have the following information ready before you start the deployment process.

    • IP address for a pingable gateway to the hyperconverged host
    • IP address of the front-end management network
    • Fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) for the Hosted Engine virtual machine
    • MAC address that resolves to the static FQDN and IP address of the Hosted Engine


  1. Open the Hosted Engine Deployment wizard

    If you continued directly from the end of Configure Red Hat Gluster Storage for Hosted Engine using the Web Console, the wizard is already open.


    1. Click VirtualizationHosted Engine.
    2. Click Start underneath Hyperconverged.
    3. Click Use existing configuration.


      If the previous deployment attempt failed, click Clean up instead of Use existing configuration to discard the previous attempt and start from scratch. If your deployment uses Network-Bound Disk Encryption, you must then follow the process in Cleaning up Network-Bound Disk Encryption after a failed deployment.

  2. Specify virtual machine details

    The VM tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window with example values entered in all fields.
    1. Enter the following details:

      Engine VM FQDN
      The fully qualified domain name to be used for the Hosted Engine virtual machine, for example,
      MAC Address

      The MAC address associated with the Engine VM FQDN.


      The pre-populated MAC address must be replaced.

      Network Configuration

      Choose either DHCP or Static from the Network Configuration drop-down list.

      • If you choose DHCP, you must have a DHCP reservation for the Hosted Engine virtual machine so that its host name resolves to the address received from DHCP. Specify its MAC address in the MAC Address field.
      • If you choose Static, enter the following details:

        • VM IP Address - The IP address must belong to the same subnet as the host. For example, if the host is in, the Hosted Engine virtual machine’s IP must be in the same subnet range (
        • Gateway Address
        • DNS Servers
      Bridge Interface
      Select the Bridge Interface from the drop-down list.
      Root password
      The root password to be used for the Hosted Engine virtual machine.
      Root SSH Access
      Specify whether to allow Root SSH Access.The default value of Root SSH Access is set to Yes.
      Number of Virtual CPUs
      Enter the Number of Virtual CPUs for the virtual machine.
      Memory Size (MiB)

      Enter the Memory Size (MiB). The available memory is displayed next to the input field.


      Red Hat recommends to retain the values of Root SSH Access, Number of Virtual CPUs and Memory Size to default values.

    2. Optionally expand the Advanced fields.

      The advanced options for Hosted engine Deployment window.
      Root SSH Public Key
      Enter a Root SSH Public Key to use for root access to the Hosted Engine virtual machine.
      Edit Hosts File
      Select or clear the Edit Hosts File check box to specify whether to add entries for the Hosted Engine virtual machine and the base host to the virtual machine’s /etc/hosts file. You must ensure that the host names are resolvable.
      Bridge Name
      Change the management Bridge Name, or accept the default ovirtmgmt.
      Gateway Address
      Enter the Gateway Address for the management bridge.
      Host FQDN
      Enter the Host FQDN of the first host to add to the Manager. This is the front-end FQDN of the base host you are running the deployment on.
      Network Test
      If you have a static network configuration or are using an isolated environment with addresses defined in /etc/hosts, set Network Test to Ping.
    3. Click Next. Your FQDNs are validated before the next screen appears.
  3. Specify virtualization management details

    1. Enter the password to be used by the admin account in the Administration Portal. You can also specify an email address for notifications, the notifications can also be configured post deployment; see Chapter 15, Post-deployment configuration suggestions.

      The Engine tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window with example values entered in all fields.
    2. Click Next.
  4. Review virtual machine configuration

    1. Ensure that the details listed on this tab are correct. Click Back to correct any incorrect information.

      The Prepare VM tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window with configuration details displayed for review.
    2. Click Prepare VM.
    3. Wait for virtual machine preparation to complete.

      The Prepare VM tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window showing, 'Execution completed successfully. Please proceed to the next step.'

      If preparation does not occur successfully, see Viewing Hosted Engine deployment errors.

    4. Click Next.
  5. Validate storage for the Hosted Engine virtual machine

    1. Ensure that the Mount Options field is populated correctly with backup-volfile-servers=<host2-ip-address>:<host3-ip-address> and, if you use IPv6, xlator-option=transport.address-family=inet6, for example:

      The Storage tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window with the engine volume specified as hosted engine virtual machine storage.
    2. Click Next.
  6. Finalize Hosted Engine deployment

    1. Review your deployment details and verify that they are correct.


      The responses you provided during configuration are saved to an answer file to help you reinstall the hosted engine if necessary. The answer file is created at /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf by default. This file should not be modified manually without assistance from Red Hat Support.

      The Finish tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window with details of the Hosted Engine’s storage displayed.
    2. Click Finish Deployment.
  7. Wait for deployment to complete

    This can take some time, depending on your configuration details.

    The window displays the following when complete.

    The Finish tab of the Hosted Engine Deployment window showing Hosted Engine deployment complete.

    After RHHI-V deployment is completed successfully, the other 2 Red Hat Virtualization hosts are rebooted. Wait for these hosts to be up, after which the Red Hat Virtualization Administration portal can be accessible. If deployment does not complete successfully, see Viewing Hosted Engine deployment errors.

    Click Close.

  8. Verify hosted engine deployment

    Browse to the Administration Portal (for example, and verify that you can log in using the administrative credentials you configured earlier. Click Dashboard and look for your hosts, storage domains, and virtual machines.

    The Administration Portal dashboard after deployment.