2.5. Image Service

Image Conversion
Allows you to convert an image on the fly depending on the store while importing an image. (qcow/raw).
A plug-in of the import workflow provides the conversion. Based on the deployer configuration, you can either activate or deactivate this plug-in. As a deployer, you need to specify the preferred format of images for the deployment. Currently, the formats supported by qemu-img convert are raw and qcow2.
Introspection of Images
Metadata extraction allows administrators to better understand how to override certain metadata.
Several image formats include metadata inside the image data. This new feature exposes the metadata through introspection of the image. For example, you can read the metadata from a vmdk-formatted image to know that the disk type of the image is “streamOptimized”. Allowing the Image service to perform this introspection reduces the burden placed on administrators. Exposing this metadata also helps the consumer of the image; the Compute workflow is very different based on the disk type of the image.
Currently, the metadata fields relevant to the Image service that are available are the disk_format and the virtual_size.