Chapter 17. Set Up Lock Striping

17.1. About Lock Striping

Lock Striping allocates locks from a shared collection of (fixed size) locks in the cache. Lock allocation is based on the hash code for each entry’s key. Lock Striping provides a highly scalable locking mechanism with fixed overhead. However, this comes at a cost of potentially unrelated entries being blocked by the same lock.

Lock Striping is disabled by default in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. If lock striping remains disabled, a new lock is created for each entry. This alternative approach can provide greater concurrent throughput, but also results in additional memory usage, garbage collection churn, and other disadvantages.

17.2. Configure Lock Striping (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Lock striping in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid’s Remote Client-Server mode is enabled by setting the striping element to true.

Lock Striping (Remote Client-Server Mode)

<locking acquire-timeout="20000"
	 striping="true" />


The default isolation mode for the Remote Client-Server mode configuration is READ_COMMITTED. If the isolation attribute is included to explicitly specify an isolation mode, it is ignored, a warning is thrown, and the default value is used instead.

The locking element uses the following attributes:

  • The acquire-timeout attribute specifies the maximum time to attempt a lock acquisition. The default value for this attribute is 10000 milliseconds.
  • The concurrency-level attribute specifies the concurrency level for lock containers. Adjust this value according to the number of concurrent threads interacting with JBoss Data Grid. The default value for this attribute is 32.
  • The striping attribute specifies whether a shared pool of locks is maintained for all entries that require locking (true). If set to false, a lock is created for each entry. Lock striping controls the memory footprint but can reduce concurrency in the system. The default value for this attribute is false.

17.3. Configure Lock Striping (Library Mode)

Lock striping is disabled by default in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. Configure lock striping in JBoss Data Grid’s Library mode using the striping parameter as demonstrated in the following procedure.

Configure Lock Striping (Library Mode)

		<locking concurrency-level="${VALUE}"
			 write-skew="${TRUE/FALSE}" />

  1. The concurrency-level is used to specify the size of the shared lock collection use when lock striping is enabled.
  2. The isolation parameter specifies the cache’s isolation level. Valid isolation levels are READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ.
  3. The acquire-timeout parameter specifies time (in milliseconds) after which a lock acquisition attempt times out.
  4. The striping parameter specifies whether a pool of shared locks are maintained for all entries that require locks. If set to FALSE, locks are created for each entry in the cache. If set to TRUE, lock striping is enabled and shared locks are used as required from the pool.
  5. The write-skew check determines if a modification to the entry from a different transaction should roll back the transaction. Write skew set to true requires isolation_level set to REPEATABLE_READ. The default value for write-skew and isolation_level are FALSE and READ_COMMITTED respectively. The write-skew parameter can be only used with OPTIMISTIC transactions and it requires entry versioning to be enabled, with SIMPLE versioning scheme.