Chapter 9. JBoss Data Grid CarMart Quickstarts

9.1. About the CarMart Quickstart

The JBoss Data Grid includes a transactional and non-transactional CarMart quickstart. The CarMart quickstart is a simple web application that uses JBoss Data Grid instead of a relational database. Information about each car is stored in a cache. Caches are configured programmatically and run in the same Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as the web application.

The CarMart quickstart offers the following features:

  • List all cars.
  • Add new cars.
  • Remove cars.
  • View statistics for caches, such as hits, stores and retrievals.
Usage Modes

The CarMart quickstart can be used in the following JBoss Data Grid usage modes:

  • Remote Client-Server Mode, where the application includes the Hot Rod client to communicate with a remote JBoss Data Grid server.
  • Library Mode, where all libraries are bundled with the application in the form of jar files.

JBoss Data Grid's CarMart quickstart is available at the following location: jboss-datagrid-quickstarts-1.0.0/carmart/