Chapter 2. Installation

This chapter guides you through the steps to install AMQ Spring Boot Starter in your environment.

2.1. Prerequisites

  • You must have a subscription to access AMQ release files and repositories.
  • To build programs with AMQ Spring Boot Starter, you must install Apache Maven.
  • To use AMQ Spring Boot Starter, you must install Java.

2.2. Using the Red Hat Maven repository

Configure your Maven environment to download the client library from the Red Hat Maven repository.


  1. Add the Red Hat repository to your Maven settings or POM file. For example configuration files, see Section B.1, “Using the online repository”.

  2. Add the library dependency to your POM file.


The client is now available in your Maven project.

2.3. Installing a local Maven repository

As an alternative to the online repository, AMQ Spring Boot Starter can be installed to your local filesystem as a file-based Maven repository.


  1. Use your subscription to download the AMQ Clients 2.9.0 Spring Boot Starter Maven repository .zip file.
  2. Extract the file contents into a directory of your choosing.

    On Linux or UNIX, use the unzip command to extract the file contents.

    $ unzip

    On Windows, right-click the .zip file and select Extract All.

  3. Configure Maven to use the repository in the maven-repository directory inside the extracted install directory. For more information, see Section B.2, “Using a local repository”.