Chapter 4. Entry Point

A user begins interacting with the API through a GET request on the entry point URI consisting of a host and base.

Example 4.1. Accessing the API Entry Point

If the host is and the base is /ovirt-engine/api, the entry point appears with the following request:
GET /ovirt-engine/api HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: [base64 encoded credentials]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

    <link rel="hosts" href="/ovirt-engine/api/hosts"/>
    <link rel="vms" href="/ovirt-engine/api/vms"/>
        <name>Red Hat Virtualization</name>
        <vendor>Red Hat</vendor>
        <version revision="0" build="0" minor="0" major="4"/>
        <link rel="templates/blank" href="..."/>
        <link rel="tags/root" href="..."/>


For simplicity, all other examples omit the Host: and Authorization: request headers and assume the base is the default /ovirt-engine/api path. This base path differs depending on your implementation.

4.1. Product Information

The entry point contains a product_info element to help an API user determine the legitimacy of the Red Hat Virtualization environment. This includes the name of the product, the vendor and the version.

Example 4.2. Verify a genuine Red Hat Virtualization environment

The follow elements identify a genuine Red Hat Virtualization 4.0 environment:
        <name>Red Hat Virtualization</name>
        <vendor>Red Hat</vendor>