Chapter 7. Managing domains

Identity Service (keystone) domains are additional namespaces that you can create in keystone. Use keystone domains to partition users, groups, and projects. You can also configure these separate domains to authenticate users in different LDAP or Active Directory environments. For more information, see the Integrate with Identity Service guide.


Identity Service includes a built-in domain called Default. It is suggested you reserve this domain only for service accounts, and create a separate domain for user accounts.

7.1. Viewing a list of domains

You can view a list of domains using openstack domain list:

$ openstack domain list
| ID                               | Name             | Enabled | Description        |
| 3abefa6f32c14db9a9703bf5ce6863e1 | TestDomain       | True    |                    |
| 69436408fdcb44ab9e111691f8e9216d | corp             | True    |                    |
| a4f61a8feb8d4253b260054c6aa41adb | federated_domain | True    |                    |
| default                          | Default          | True    | The default domain |

7.2. Creating a new domain

You can create a new domain using openstack domain create:

$ openstack domain create TestDomain
| Field       | Value                            |
| description |                                  |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 3abefa6f32c14db9a9703bf5ce6863e1 |
| name        | TestDomain                       |

7.3. Viewng the details of a domain

You can view the details of a domain using openstack domain show:

$ openstack domain show TestDomain
| Field       | Value                            |
| description |                                  |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 3abefa6f32c14db9a9703bf5ce6863e1 |
| name        | TestDomain                       |

7.4. Disabling a domain

  1. You can disable a domain using --disable:

    $ openstack domain set TestDomain --disable
  2. Confirm that the domain has been disabled:

    $ openstack domain show TestDomain
    | Field       | Value                            |
    | description |                                  |
    | enabled     | False                            |
    | id          | 3abefa6f32c14db9a9703bf5ce6863e1 |
    | name        | TestDomain                       |
  3. You can then re-enable the domain, if required:

    $ openstack domain set TestDomain --enable