Chapter 4. Configuring Red Hat OpenStack Platform for Service Telemetry Framework

To collect metrics, events, or both, and to send them to the Service Telemetry Framework (STF) storage domain, you must configure the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) overcloud to enable data collection and transport.

STF can support both single and multiple clouds. The default configuration in RHOSP and STF set up for a single cloud installation.

4.1. Deploying Red Hat OpenStack Platform overcloud for Service Telemetry Framework

To configure the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) overcloud, you must configure the data collectors and the data transport to Service Telemetry Framework (STF), and deploy the overcloud.

4.1.1. Getting CA certificate from Service Telemetry Framework for overcloud configuration

To connect your Red Hat OpenStack Platform overcloud to Service Telemetry Framework (STF), retrieve the CA certificate of AMQ Interconnect that runs within Service Telemetry Framework and use the certificate in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform configuration.


  1. View a list of available certificates in Service Telemetry Framework:

    $ oc get secrets
  2. Retrieve and note the content of the default-interconnect-selfsigned Secret:

    $ oc get secret/default-interconnect-selfsigned -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d

4.1.2. Retrieving the AMQ Interconnect route address

When you configure the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) overcloud for Service Telemetry Framework (STF), you must provide the AMQ Interconnect route address in the STF connection file.


  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment.
  2. In the service-telemetry project, retrieve the AMQ Interconnect route address:

    $ oc get routes -ogo-template='{{ range .items }}{{printf "%s\n" }}{{ end }}' | grep "\-5671"

4.1.3. Creating the base configuration for STF

To configure the base parameters to provide a compatible data collection and transport for Service Telemetry Framework (STF), you must create a file that defines the default data collection values.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Create a configuration file called enable-stf.yaml in the /home/stack directory.


    Setting EventPipelinePublishers and PipelinePublishers to empty lists results in no event or metric data passing to RHOSP legacy telemetry components, such as Gnocchi or Panko. If you need to send data to additional pipelines, the Ceilometer polling interval of 30 seconds, as specified in ExtraConfig, might overwhelm the legacy components, and you must increase the interval to a larger value, such as 300. Increasing the value to a longer polling interval results in less telemetry resolution in STF.

        # only send to STF, not other publishers
        EventPipelinePublishers: []
        PipelinePublishers: []
        # manage the polling and pipeline configuration files for Ceilometer agents
        ManagePolling: true
        ManagePipeline: true
        # enable Ceilometer metrics and events
        CeilometerQdrPublishMetrics: true
        CeilometerQdrPublishEvents: true
        # set collectd overrides for higher telemetry resolution and extra plugins to load
        CollectdConnectionType: amqp1
        CollectdAmqpInterval: 5
        CollectdDefaultPollingInterval: 5
        - vmem
        # set standard prefixes for where metrics and events are published to QDR
        - prefix: 'collectd'
          distribution: multicast
        - prefix: 'anycast/ceilometer'
          distribution: multicast
            ceilometer::agent::polling::polling_interval: 30
            - cpu
            - disk.*
            - ip.*
            - image.*
            - memory
            - memory.*
            - network.*
            - perf.*
            - port
            - port.*
            - switch
            - switch.*
            - storage.*
            - volume.*
            # to avoid filling the memory buffers if disconnected from the message bus
            collectd::plugin::amqp1::send_queue_limit: 50
            # receive extra information about virtual memory
            collectd::plugin::vmem::verbose: true
            # set memcached collectd plugin to report its metrics by hostname
            # rather than host IP, ensuring metrics in the dashboard remain uniform
                host: "%{hiera('fqdn_canonical')}"
                port: 11211
            # align defaults across OSP versions
            collectd::plugin::cpu::reportbycpu: true
            collectd::plugin::cpu::reportbystate: true
            collectd::plugin::cpu::reportnumcpu: false
            collectd::plugin::cpu::valuespercentage: true
            collectd::plugin::df::ignoreselected: true
            collectd::plugin::df::reportbydevice: true
            collectd::plugin::df::fstypes: ['xfs']
            collectd::plugin::load::reportrelative: true
            collectd::plugin::virt::extra_stats: "pcpu cpu_util vcpupin vcpu memory disk disk_err disk_allocation disk_capacity disk_physical domain_state job_stats_background perf"

4.1.4. Configuring the STF connection for the overcloud

To configure the Service Telemetry Framework (STF) connection, you must create a file that contains the connection configuration of the AMQ Interconnect for the overcloud to the STF deployment. Enable the collection of events and storage of the events in STF and deploy the overcloud. The default configuration is for a single cloud instance with the default message bus topics. For configuration of multiple cloud deployments, see Section 4.4, “Configuring multiple clouds”.



  1. Log in to the RHOSP undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Create a configuration file called stf-connectors.yaml in the /home/stack directory.
  3. In the stf-connectors.yaml file, configure the MetricsQdrConnectors address to connect the AMQ Interconnect on the overcloud to the STF deployment.

4.1.5. Deploying the overcloud

Deploy or update the overcloud with the required environment files so that data is collected and transmitted to Service Telemetry Framework (STF).


  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the authentication file:

    [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ source stackrc
    (undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$
  3. Add the following files to your RHOSP director deployment to configure data collection and AMQ Interconnect:

    • The collectd-write-qdr.yaml file to ensure that collectd telemetry and events are sent to STF
    • The ceilometer-write-qdr.yaml file to ensure that Ceilometer telemetry and events are sent to STF
    • The qdr-edge-only.yaml file to ensure that the message bus is enabled and connected to STF message bus routers
    • The enable-stf.yaml environment file to ensure defaults are configured correctly
    • The stf-connectors.yaml environment file to define the connection to STF

      (undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack overcloud deploy <other_arguments>
      --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \
        --environment-file <...other_environment_files...> \
        --environment-file /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/metrics/ceilometer-write-qdr.yaml \
        --environment-file /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/metrics/collectd-write-qdr.yaml \
        --environment-file /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/metrics/qdr-edge-only.yaml \
        --environment-file /home/stack/enable-stf.yaml \
        --environment-file /home/stack/stf-connectors.yaml
  4. Deploy the overcloud.

4.1.6. Validating client-side installation

To validate data collection from the Service Telemetry Framework (STF) storage domain, query the data sources for delivered data. To validate individual nodes in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment, use SSH to connect to the console.


Some telemetry data is available only when RHOSP has active workloads.


  1. Log in to an overcloud node, for example, controller-0.
  2. Ensure that the metrics_qdr container is running on the node:

    $ sudo docker container inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' metrics_qdr
  3. Return the internal network address on which AMQ Interconnect is running, for example, listening on port 5666:

    $ sudo docker exec -it metrics_qdr cat /etc/qpid-dispatch/qdrouterd.conf
    listener {
        port: 5666
        authenticatePeer: no
        saslMechanisms: ANONYMOUS
  4. Return a list of connections to the local AMQ Interconnect:

    $ sudo docker exec -it metrics_qdr qdstat --bus= --connections
      id   host                                                                  container                                                                                                  role    dir  security                            authentication  tenant
      1      default-interconnect-7458fd4d69-bgzfb                                                                      edge    out  TLSv1.2(DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384)  anonymous-user
      12                                             normal  in   no-security                         no-auth
      16                                                     metrics                                                                                                    normal  in   no-security                         anonymous-user
      899                                                     10a2e99d-1b8a-4329-b48c-4335e5f75c84                                                                       normal  in   no-security                         no-auth

    There are four connections:

    • Outbound connection to STF
    • Inbound connection from ceilometer
    • Inbound connection from collectd
    • Inbound connection from our qdstat client

      The outbound STF connection is provided to the MetricsQdrConnectors host parameter and is the route for the STF storage domain. The other hosts are internal network addresses of the client connections to this AMQ Interconnect.

  5. To ensure that messages are delivered, list the links, and view the _edge address in the deliv column for delivery of messages:

    $ sudo docker exec -it metrics_qdr qdstat --bus= --links
    Router Links
      type      dir  conn id  id    peer  class   addr                  phs  cap  pri  undel  unsett  deliv    presett  psdrop  acc  rej  rel     mod  delay  rate
      endpoint  out  1        5           local   _edge                      250  0    0      0       2979926  0        0       0    0    2979926 0    0      0
      endpoint  in   1        6                                              250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  in   1        7                                              250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  out  1        8                                              250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  in   1        9                                              250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  out  1        10                                             250  0    0      0       911      911      0       0    0    0       0    911    0
      endpoint  in   1        11                                             250  0    0      0       0        911      0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  out  12       32          local   temp.lSY6Mcicol4J2Kp       250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  in   16       41                                             250  0    0      0       2979924  0        0       0    0    2979924 0    0      0
      endpoint  in   912      1834        mobile  $management           0    250  0    0      0       1        0        0       1    0    0       0    0      0
      endpoint  out  912      1835        local   temp.9Ok2resI9tmt+CT       250  0    0      0       0        0        0       0    0    0       0    0      0
  6. To list the addresses from RHOSP nodes to STF, connect to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform to retrieve the AMQ Interconnect pod name and list the connections. List the available AMQ Interconnect pods:

    $ oc get pods -l application=default-interconnect
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    default-interconnect-7458fd4d69-bgzfb   1/1     Running   0          6d21h
  7. Connect to the pod and list the known connections. In this example, there are three edge connections from the RHOSP nodes with connection id 22, 23, and 24:

    $ oc exec -it default-interconnect-7458fd4d69-bgzfb -- qdstat --connections
    2020-04-21 18:25:47.243852 UTC
      id  host               container                                                      role    dir  security                                authentication  tenant  last dlv      uptime
      5  bridge-3f5                                                    edge    in   no-security                             anonymous-user          000:00:00:02  000:17:36:29
      6  rcv[default-cloud1-ceil-meter-smartgateway-58f885c76d-xmxwn]  edge    in   no-security                             anonymous-user          000:00:00:02  000:17:36:20
      7  rcv[default-cloud1-coll-event-smartgateway-58fbbd4485-rl9bd]  normal  in   no-security                             anonymous-user          -             000:17:36:11
      8  rcv[default-cloud1-ceil-event-smartgateway-6cfb65478c-g5q82]  normal  in   no-security                             anonymous-user          000:01:26:18  000:17:36:05
      22   Router.ceph-0.redhat.local                                     edge    in   TLSv1/SSLv3(DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384)  anonymous-user          000:00:00:03  000:22:08:43
      23   Router.compute-0.redhat.local                                  edge    in   TLSv1/SSLv3(DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384)  anonymous-user          000:00:00:03  000:22:08:43
      24   Router.controller-0.redhat.local                               edge    in   TLSv1/SSLv3(DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384)  anonymous-user          000:00:00:00  000:22:08:34
      27    c2f541c1-4c97-4b37-a189-a396c08fb079                           normal  in   no-security                             no-auth                 000:00:00:00  000:00:00:00
  8. To view the number of messages delivered by the network, use each address with the oc exec command:

    $ oc exec -it default-interconnect-7458fd4d69-bgzfb -- qdstat --address
    2020-04-21 18:20:10.293258 UTC
    Router Addresses
      class   addr                                phs  distrib    pri  local  remote  in           out          thru  fallback
      mobile  anycast/ceilometer/event.sample     0    balanced   -    1      0       970          970          0     0
      mobile  anycast/ceilometer/metering.sample  0    balanced   -    1      0       2,344,833    2,344,833    0     0
      mobile  collectd/notify                     0    multicast  -    1      0       70           70           0     0
      mobile  collectd/telemetry                  0    multicast  -    1      0       216,128,890  216,128,890  0     0

4.2. Deploying to non-standard network topologies

If your nodes are on a separate network from the default InternalApi network, you must make configuration adjustments so that AMQ Interconnect can transport data to the Service Telemetry Framework (STF) server instance. This scenario is typical in a spine-leaf or a DCN topology. For more information about DCN configuration, see the Spine Leaf Networking guide.

If you use STF with Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 13 and plan to monitor your Ceph, Block, or Object Storage nodes, you must make configuration changes that are similar to the configuration changes that you make to the spine-leaf and DCN network configuration. To monitor Ceph nodes, use the CephStorageExtraConfig parameter to define which network interface to load into the AMQ Interconnect and collectd configuration files.

  tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::amqp_host: "%{hiera('storage')}"
  tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::listener_addr: "%{hiera('storage')}"
  tripleo::profile::base::ceilometer::agent::notification::notifier_host_addr: "%{hiera('storage')}"

Similarly, you must specify BlockStorageExtraConfig and ObjectStorageExtraConfig parameters if your environment uses Block and Object Storage roles.

To deploy a spine-leaf topology, you must create roles and networks, then assign those networks to the available roles. When you configure data collection and transport for STF for an RHOSP deployment, the default network for roles is InternalApi. For Ceph, Block and Object storage roles, the default network is Storage. Because a spine-leaf configuration can result in different networks being assigned to different Leaf groupings and those names are typically unique, additional configuration is required in the parameter_defaults section of the RHOSP environment files.


  1. Document which networks are available for each of the Leaf roles. For examples of network name definitions, see Creating a network data file in the Spine Leaf Networking guide. For more information about the creation of the Leaf groupings (roles) and assignment of the networks to those groupings, see Creating a roles data file in the Spine Leaf Networking guide.
  2. Add the following configuration example to the ExtraConfig section for each of the leaf roles. In this example, internal_api0 is the value defined in the name_lower parameter of your network definition , and is the network to which the Compute0 leaf role is connected. In this case, the network identification of 0 corresponds to the Compute role for leaf 0, and represents a value that is different from the default internal API network name.

    For the Compute0 leaf role, specify extra configuration to perform a hiera lookup to determine which network interface for a particular network to assign to the collectd AMQP host parameter. Perform the same configuration for the AMQ Interconnect listener address parameter.

      tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::amqp_host: "%{hiera('internal_api0')}"
      tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::listener_addr: "%{hiera('internal_api0')}"

    This example configuration is on a CephStorage leaf role:

      tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::amqp_host: "%{hiera('storage0')}"
      tripleo::profile::base::metrics::qdr::listener_addr: "%{hiera('storage0')}"

4.3. Adding Red Hat OpenStack Platform container images to the undercloud

If you synchronized container images to a local registry, you must create an environment file and include the paths to the container images.


  1. Create a new environment file, for example, container-images.yaml, and insert the following container images and paths:

        DockerCollectdConfigImage: <image-registry-path>/rhosp{vernum}/openstack-collectd:latest
        DockerCollectdImage: <image-registry-path>/rhosp{vernum}/openstack-collectd:latest
        DockerMetricsQdrConfigImage: <image-registry-path>/rhosp{vernum}/openstack-qdrouterd:latest
        DockerMetricsQdrImage: <image-registry-path>/rhosp{vernum}/openstack-qdrouterd:latest

    Replace <image-registry-path> with the path to the image registry.

  2. To deploy collectd and AMQ Interconnect to your overcloud, include the /usr/share/local-container-images/container-images.yaml environment file so Red Hat OpenStack Platform director can prepare the images. The following snippet is an example of how to include this environment file:

    $ openstack overcloud container image prepare \
      -e /usr/share/local-container-images/container-images.yaml \

4.4. Configuring multiple clouds

You can configure multiple Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) clouds to target a single instance of Service Telemetry Framework (STF). When you configure multiple clouds, every cloud must send metrics and events on their own unique message bus topic. In the STF deployment, Smart Gateway instances listen on these topics to save information to the common data store. Data that is stored by the Smart Gateway in the data storage domain is filtered by using the metadata that each of Smart Gateways creates.

Figure 4.1. Two RHOSP clouds connect to STF

An example of two RHOSP clouds connecting to STF

To configure the RHOSP overcloud for a multiple cloud scenario, complete the following tasks:

  1. Plan the AMQP address prefixes that you want to use for each cloud. For more information, see Section 4.4.1, “Planning AMQP address prefixes”.
  2. Deploy metrics and events consumer Smart Gateways for each cloud to listen on the corresponding address prefixes. For more information, see Section 4.4.2, “Deploying Smart Gateways”.
  3. Configure each cloud with a unique domain name. For more information, see Section 4.4.4, “Setting a unique cloud domain”.
  4. Create the base configuration for STF. For more information, see Section 4.1.3, “Creating the base configuration for STF”.
  5. Configure each cloud to send its metrics and events to STF on the correct address. For more information, see Section 4.4.5, “Creating the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment file for multiple clouds”.

4.4.1. Planning AMQP address prefixes

By default, Red Hat OpenStack Platform nodes receive data through two data collectors; collectd and Ceilometer. These components send telemetry data or notifications to the respective AMQP addresses, for example, collectd/telemetry. STF Smart Gateways listen on the AMQP addresses for monitoring data. To support multiple clouds and to identify which cloud generated the monitoring data, configure each cloud to send data to a unique address. Add a cloud identifier prefix to the second part of the address. The following list shows some example addresses and identifiers:

  • collectd/cloud1-telemetry
  • collectd/cloud1-notify
  • anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-metering.sample
  • anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-event.sample
  • collectd/cloud2-telemetry
  • collectd/cloud2-notify
  • anycast/ceilometer/cloud2-metering.sample
  • anycast/ceilometer/cloud2-event.sample
  • collectd/us-east-1-telemetry
  • collectd/us-west-3-telemetry

4.4.2. Deploying Smart Gateways

You must deploy a Smart Gateway for each of the data collection types for each cloud; one for collectd metrics, one for collectd events, one for Ceilometer metrics, and one for Ceilometer events. Configure each of the Smart Gateways to listen on the AMQP address that you define for the corresponding cloud. To define Smart Gateways, configure the clouds parameter in the ServiceTelemetry manifest.

When you deploy STF for the first time, Smart Gateway manifests are created that define the initial Smart Gateways for a single cloud. When you deploy Smart Gateways for multiple cloud support, you deploy multiple Smart Gateways for each of the data collection types that handle the metrics and the events data for each cloud. The initial Smart Gateways are defined in cloud1 with the following subscription addresses:



default subscription address















  1. Log in to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
  2. Change to the service-telemetry namespace:

    $ oc project service-telemetry
  3. Edit the default ServiceTelemetry object and add a clouds parameter with your configuration:


    Long cloud names might exceed the maximum pod name of 63 characters. Ensure that the combination of the ServiceTelemetry name default and the does not exceed 19 characters. Cloud names cannot contain any special characters, such as -. Limit cloud names to alphanumeric (a-z, 0-9).

    Topic addresses have no character limitation and can be different from the value.

    $ oc edit stf default
    kind: ServiceTelemetry
      - name: cloud1
          - collectorType: collectd
            subscriptionAddress: collectd/cloud1-notify
          - collectorType: ceilometer
            subscriptionAddress: anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-event.sample
          - collectorType: collectd
            subscriptionAddress: collectd/cloud1-telemetry
          - collectorType: ceilometer
            subscriptionAddress: anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-metering.sample
      - name: cloud2
  4. Save the ServiceTelemetry object.
  5. Verify that each Smart Gateway is running. This can take several minutes depending on the number of Smart Gateways:

    $ oc get po -l app=smart-gateway
    NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    default-cloud1-ceil-event-smartgateway-6cfb65478c-g5q82   2/2     Running   0          13h
    default-cloud1-ceil-meter-smartgateway-58f885c76d-xmxwn   2/2     Running   0          13h
    default-cloud1-coll-event-smartgateway-58fbbd4485-rl9bd   2/2     Running   0          13h
    default-cloud1-coll-meter-smartgateway-7c6fc495c4-jn728   2/2     Running   0          13h

4.4.3. Deleting the default Smart Gateways

After you configure Service Telemetry Framework (STF) for multiple clouds, you can delete the default Smart Gateways if they are no longer in use. The Service Telemetry Operator can remove SmartGateway objects that were created but are no longer listed in the ServiceTelemetry clouds list of objects. To enable the removal of SmartGateway objects that are not defined by the clouds parameter, you must set the cloudsRemoveOnMissing parameter to true in the ServiceTelemetry manifest.


If you do not want to deploy any Smart Gateways, define an empty clouds list by using the clouds: [] parameter.


The cloudsRemoveOnMissing parameter is disabled by default. If you enable the cloudsRemoveOnMissing parameter, you remove any manually created SmartGateway objects in the current namespace without any possibility to restore.


  1. Define your clouds parameter with the list of cloud objects that you want the Service Telemetry Operator to manage. For more information, see the section called “The clouds parameter”.
  2. Edit the ServiceTelemetry object and add the cloudsRemoveOnMissing parameter:

    kind: ServiceTelemetry
      cloudsRemoveOnMissing: true
  3. Save the modifications.
  4. Verify that the Operator deleted the Smart Gateways. This can take several minutes while the Operators reconcile the changes:

    $ oc get smartgateways

4.4.4. Setting a unique cloud domain

To ensure that AMQ Interconnect router connections from Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) to Service Telemetry Framework (STF) are unique and do not conflict, configure the CloudDomain parameter.


  1. Create a new environment file, for example, hostnames.yaml.
  2. Set the CloudDomain parameter in the environment file, as shown in the following example:

        CloudDomain: newyork-west-04
        CephStorageHostnameFormat: 'ceph-%index%'
        ObjectStorageHostnameFormat: 'swift-%index%'
        ComputeHostnameFormat: 'compute-%index%'
  3. Add the new environment file to your deployment. For more information, see Section 4.4.5, “Creating the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment file for multiple clouds” and Core overcloud parameters in the Overcloud Parameters guide.

4.4.5. Creating the Red Hat OpenStack Platform environment file for multiple clouds

To label traffic according to the cloud of origin, you must create a configuration with cloud-specific instance names. Create an stf-connectors.yaml file and adjust the values of CeilometerQdrEventsConfig, CeilometerQdrMetricsConfig and CollectdAmqpInstances to match the AMQP address prefix scheme.



  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenStack Platform undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Create a configuration file called stf-connectors.yaml in the /home/stack directory.
  3. In the stf-connectors.yaml file, configure the MetricsQdrConnectors address to connect to the AMQ Interconnect on the overcloud deployment. Configure the CeilometerQdrEventsConfig, CeilometerQdrMetricsConfig, and CollectdAmqpInstances topic values to match the AMQP address that you want for this cloud deployment.

    • Replace the caCertFileContent parameter with the contents retrieved in Section 4.1.1, “Getting CA certificate from Service Telemetry Framework for overcloud configuration”.


        OS::TripleO::Services::Collectd: /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployment/metrics/collectd-container-puppet.yaml    1
              - host:   2
                port: 443
                role: edge
                verifyHostname: false
                sslProfile: sslProfile
              - name: sslProfile
                caCertFileContent: |
                  ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----
                  ----END CERTIFICATE----
              driver: amqp
              topic: cloud1-event   3
              driver: amqp
              topic: cloud1-metering   4
              cloud1-notify:        5
                  notify: true
                  format: JSON
                  presettle: false
              cloud1-telemetry:     6
                  format: JSON
                  presettle: false

      Directly load the collectd service because you are not including the collectd-write-qdr.yaml environment file for multiple cloud deployments.
      Replace the host parameter with the value of HOST/PORT that you retrieved in Section 4.1.2, “Retrieving the AMQ Interconnect route address”.
      Define the topic for Ceilometer events. This value is the address format of anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-event.sample.
      Define the topic for Ceilometer metrics. This value is the address format of anycast/ceilometer/cloud1-metering.sample.
      Define the topic for collectd events. This value is the format of collectd/cloud1-notify.
      Define the topic for collectd metrics. This value is the format of collectd/cloud1-telemetry.
  4. Ensure that the naming convention in the stf-connectors.yaml file aligns with the spec.bridge.amqpUrl field in the Smart Gateway configuration. For example, configure the CeilometerQdrEventsConfig.topic field to a value of cloud1-event.
  5. Source the authentication file:

    [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ source stackrc
    (undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$
  6. Include the stf-connectors.yaml file and unique domain name environment file hostnames.yaml in the openstack overcloud deployment command, with any other environment files relevant to your environment:


    If you use the collectd-write-qdr.yaml file with a custom CollectdAmqpInstances parameter, data publishes to the custom and default topics. In a multiple cloud environment, the configuration of the resource_registry parameter in the stf-connectors.yaml file loads the collectd service.

    (undercloud) [stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack overcloud deploy <other_arguments>
    --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \
      --environment-file <...other_environment_files...> \
      --environment-file /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/metrics/ceilometer-write-qdr.yaml \
      --environment-file /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/metrics/qdr-edge-only.yaml \
      --environment-file /home/stack/hostnames.yaml \
      --environment-file /home/stack/enable-stf.yaml \
      --environment-file /home/stack/stf-connectors.yaml
  7. Deploy the Red Hat OpenStack Platform overcloud.

Additional resources

4.4.6. Querying metrics data from multiple clouds

Data stored in Prometheus has a service label according to the Smart Gateway it was scraped from. You can use this label to query data from a specific cloud.

To query data from a specific cloud, use a Prometheus promql query that matches the associated service label; for example: collectd_uptime{service="default-cloud1-coll-meter"}.