Chapter 1. JBoss EAP XP for the latest MicroProfile capabilities

1.1. About JBoss EAP XP

The Eclipse MicroProfile Expansion Pack (JBoss EAP XP) is available as a patch stream, which is provided using JBoss EAP XP manager.


JBoss EAP XP is subject to a separate support and life cycle policy. For more details, see the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform expansion pack Support and Life Cycle Policies page.

The JBoss EAP XP patch provides the following Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3 components:

  • Eclipse MicroProfile Config
  • Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance
  • Eclipse MicroProfile Health
  • Eclipse MicroProfile JWT
  • Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics
  • Eclipse MicroProfile OpenAPI
  • Eclipse MicroProfile OpenTracing
  • Eclipse MicroProfile REST Client

1.2. JBoss EAP XP installation

When you install JBoss EAP XP, make sure that the JBoss EAP XP patch is compatible with your version of JBoss EAP. The latest JBoss EAP XP 1.0.x patch is compatible with the latest JBoss EAP 7.3 patch.

1.3. JBoss EAP XP manager for managing JBoss EAP XP patch streams

JBoss EAP XP manager is an executable jar file that you can download from the Product Downloads page. Use JBoss EAP XP manager to apply the JBoss EAP XP patches from the JBoss EAP XP patch stream. The patches contain the MicroProfile 3.3 implementations and the bug fixes for these MicroProfile 3.3 implementations.

If you run JBoss EAP XP manager without any arguments, or with the help command, you get a list of all the available commands with a description of what they do.

Run the manager with the help command to get more information about the arguments available.


Most of the JBoss EAP XP manager commands take a --jboss-home argument to point to the JBoss EAP XP server to manage the JBoss EAP XP patch stream. Specify the the path to the server in the JBOSS_HOME environment variable if you want to omit this. --jboss-home takes precedence over the environment variable.

1.4. Installing JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 on JBoss EAP 7.3.0

JBoss JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 is certified with JBoss EAP 7.3.1.

When you install JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 on the JBoss EAP 7.3.0 server, you must apply a patch to upgrade it to JBoss EAP 7.3.1.


You have downloaded the following files from the Product Downloads page:

  • The jboss-eap-xp-1.0.0-manager.jar file (JBoss EAP XP manager)
  • JBoss EAP 7.3.1 GA patch
  • The JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 patch


  1. Apply the JBoss EAP 7.3.1 GA patch using the following management command:

    patch apply /path/to/
  2. Set up JBoss EAP XP manager using the following command:

    $ java -jar jboss-eap-xp-manager.jar setup --jboss-home=/PATH/TO/EAP
  3. Apply the JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 patch using the following management command:

    patch apply /path/to/
  4. Restart the server:

    shutdown --restart

1.5. Installing JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 on JBoss EAP 7.3.1


You have downloaded the following files from the Product Downloads page:

  • The jboss-eap-xp-1.0.0-manager.jar file (JBoss EAP XP manager)
  • The JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 patch


  1. Set up JBoss EAP XP manager using the following command:

    $ java -jar jboss-eap-xp-manager.jar setup --jboss-home=/PATH/TO/EAP
  2. Apply the JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 patch using the following management command:

    patch apply /path/to/
  3. Restart the server:

    shutdown --restart

1.6. Uninstalling JBoss EAP XP

Uninstalling JBoss EAP XP removes all the files related to enabling the JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 patch stream and the Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3 functionality. The uninstallation process does not affect anything in the base server patch stream or functionality.


The uninstallation process does not remove any configuration files, including the ones you added to the JBoss EAP XP patches when you enabled the JBoss EAP XP patch stream.


  • Uninstall JBoss EAP XP 1.0.0 by issuing the following command:

    $ java -jar jboss-eap-xp-manager.jar remove --jboss-home=/PATH/TO/EAP

To install Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3 functionality again, run the setup command again to enable the patch stream, and then apply JBoss EAP XP patches to add the Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3. modules.

1.7. Viewing the status of JBoss EAP XP

You can view the following information with the status command:

  • The status of the JBoss EAP XP stream
  • The available JBoss EAP XP manager commands to change the state
  • Any support policy changes due to being in the current state

JBoss EAP XP can be in one of the following states:

Not set up
JBoss EAP is clean and does not have JBoss EAP XP set up.
Set up
JBoss EAP has JBoss EAP XP set up. The version of the XP patch stream is not displays as the user can use CLI to determine it.
The files relating to the JBoss EAP XP are in an inconsistent state. This is an error condition and should not happen normally. If you encounter this error, remove the JBoss EAP XP manager as described in the Uninstalling JBoss EAP XP topic and install JBoss EAP XP again using the setup command.


  • View the status of JBoss EAP XP by issuing the following command:

    $ java -jar jboss-eap-xp-manager.jar status --jboss-home=/PATH/TO/EAP