Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio

Chapter 9. Reporting Issues from within JBoss Developer Studio

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio and JBoss Tools allow users to report issues from within the IDE as they are encountered. It is recommended that users report issues frequently and include as much detail as possible to help the development and testing teams replicate and fix the issue. The Report Problem wizard creates a zip file containing the relevant IDE log files. This zip file can be attached to the JIRAs submitted against each problem to provide context for the issue.

  1. Click Help and then click Report Problem.
  2. The Log file name field contains the zipped log files as a default. Click Browse to select a different log file to attach to the JIRA.
  3. In the Problem Description field, outline details about the problem, such as:

    • What you wanted to do with JBoss Developer Studio.
    • What steps you followed to arrive at the problem or error message.
    • Any other noteworthy information about the environment or any unsupported add-ons or plug-ins in use.
  4. Optionally, in the E-Mail field, add your e-mail address to be potentially contacted in the future about the issue.
  5. Click OK to submit the problem report.

You can also enable error reporting from: PreferencesGeneralError Reporting. If enabled, when you encounter a plugin related error, a pop-up notification describing the error will appear. The user can either dismiss or send the error directly, or provide more details about the error. You can optionally provide your e-mail ID to be contacted for more details on the error.