6.3. Defining element properties

Now, you need to define the element properties:
  1. Click the double-arrow ( ) in the upper right hand corner to expand the Properties tab.
  2. Click anywhere on the canvas. The Properties tab displays the properties of the HelloWorld Process. The required properties are pre-defined; however, you can change their values if necessary.
  3. The Start Element and End Element have only optional properties. However, Task Elements need their type and then type-specific properties defined: click the Task element and define the required properties:
    • Name: ScriptTask
    • Task Type: Script
    • Script Language: java
    • Script: System.out.println("Hello World!");
      Click OK.
    You have defined a Task that will perform a script on execution. The script is defined in Java and executes the method System.out.println("Hello World!");, that means it will write Hello World! to the standard output of the server (by default, the standard output of the server is the console the server was started in).
  4. You still need to define properties of the Timer Event to make the process wait on runtime, so you can inspect its execution: click the Timer Element and define the time it will wait for execution:
    • Edit Time Duration: 1m and press Enter.
      The Process will therefore wait for 1 minute on the Timer Event after it executes the Script Task.
  5. Give the Timer Event a name via the properties, and then save your Process: open the Save menu ( ) and click Save.
  6. Click the ( ) button on the toolbar of the Process Designer with the Process to make sure the defined Process is valid. The outline of any element with one or multiple validation mistakes turns orange (refer to the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite User Guide for information on the validation feature).
Further information on Process Elements and their properties is available in the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite User Guide.