Chapter 1. Cloud integrations on the Hybrid Cloud Console

A cloud integration on the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console is a service, application, or provider that supplies data to a Hybrid Cloud Console service. Services on the Hybrid Cloud Console use the integrations service to connect with public cloud providers and other services or tools to collect information for the service.

You can integrate the following public cloud providers with the Hybrid Cloud Console:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud

You can also connect your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment to the Hybrid Cloud Console as a cloud integration to use with the cost management service on the console.

You can add and manage cloud and Red Hat integrations from the Integrations page, located in the Hybrid Cloud Console Settings menu.

The Integrations service uses a wizard to help you connect cloud and Red Hat integrations to the Hybrid Cloud Console. For cloud integrations, you can associate the provider with Red Hat services, including cost management, Red Hat Insights images, and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) management bundle. For Red Hat integrations, you can add Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. Associating a service is optional for cloud integrations, but is required for Red Hat integrations.