13.10. Adding Local Storage


Storage local to your host has been prepared. Now use the Manager to add it to the host.

Adding local storage to a host in this manner causes the host to be put in a new data center and cluster. The local storage configuration window combines the creation of a data center, a cluster, and storage into a single process.

Procedure 13.7. Adding Local Storage

  1. Use the Hosts resource tab, tree mode, or the search function to find and select the host in the results list.
  2. Click Maintenance to open the Maintenance Host(s) confirmation window.
  3. Click OK to initiate maintenance mode.
  4. Click Configure Local Storage to open the Configure Local Storage window.
    Configure Local Storage Window

    Figure 13.5. Configure Local Storage Window

  5. Click the Edit buttons next to the Data Center, Cluster, and Storage fields to configure and name the local storage domain.
  6. Set the path to your local storage in the text entry field.
  7. If applicable, select the Memory Optimization tab to configure the memory optimization policy for the new local storage cluster.
  8. Click OK to save the settings and close the window.

Your host comes online in a data center of its own.