Red Hat Training

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Chapter 3. Known Issues in Eclipse 4.8.0

This section details the Known Issues in Eclipse 4.8.0.

3.1. Debuginfo Conflicts

Cause: When a user attempts to install a debuginfo package for this collection, for example: rh-eclipse48-eclipse-cdt-debuginfo, the contents may conflict with the same packages from the earlier collections.

Consequence: The installation of the rh-eclipse48 debuginfo package may fail if the same debuginfo package from the rh-eclipse47 collection is installed.

Workaround: To use debuginfo for the rh-eclipse48 collection, debuginfo packages from the rh-eclipse47 collection should first be uninstalled using the command yum remove rh-eclipse47*debuginfo.

Result: The installation of the debuginfo packages from the rh-eclipse48 collection is successful.

3.2. Conflict between the RHSCL rh-maven33-scldevel and rh-maven35-scldevel packages

There is a conflict between the RHSCL rh-maven33-scldevel and rh-maven35-scldevel packages. This affects the rh-eclipse48-scldevel package (note that this is not installed by default).

The rh-eclipse48-scldevel and rh-eclipse46-scldevel packages cannot be present simultaneously.

3.3. PyDev users may experience issues with the 'pip' integration

Since SCL Pythons are readonly installations, users will always have to add the --user option to install modules with pip. And modules that are pre-installed by the Python SCL cannot be uninstalled; attempts to do so will result in permission denied errors.

3.4. Incompatibilities between Eclipse Subclipse and base RHEL Subversion

Working copies of Subversion repositories created with Eclipse Subclipse are incompatible with the base RHEL version of Subversion. Using the svn command on such working copies may result in the following error:

$ svn up
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy

Workaround: Use the pure-java implementation of Subversion used by Eclipse Subclipse on the command line:

# yum install rh-eclipse48-svnkit-cli # Command line support for SVNKit

And now, use the jsvn command anywhere you would normally use the svn command:

$ jsvn up
Updating '.':
At revision 16476.

3.5. Tycho Conflicts

Cause: The rh-eclipse48-tycho package conflicts with the same package from the earlier collections, for example: rh-eclipse47-tycho.

Consequence: The installation of rh-eclipse48-tycho package may fail when the rh-eclipse47-tycho package is already installed.

Workaround: Note that only users that want to build or re-build Eclipse or its plug-ins need tycho. If needed, uninstall the rh-eclipse47-tycho package using the yum remove rh-eclipse47-tycho command before attempting to install the rh-eclipse48-tycho package.

Result: The installation of the rh-eclipse48-tycho package is successful.