9.4. The CarMart Quickstart Using JBoss Application Server

9.4.1. Build the CarMart Quickstart to the JBoss Application Server

The following procedure provides directions to build the CarMart application to JBoss Application Server 7.

Obtain the supported JBoss Data Grid Library Mode distribution files.

Procedure 9.1. Build CarMart to JBoss Application Server

  1. Install the Maven Repository

    For initial testing in a small team, extract the JBoss Data Grid Maven repository to a directory on the local system:
    $ unzip jboss-datagrid-maven-repository-6.0.0.zip
    For further information about the installation methods available to install the JBoss Data Grid Maven repository, refer to Chapter 4, Install and Use the Maven Repository.
  2. Start JBoss Application Server

    Use the following to start the JBoss Application Server:
  3. Build your Application

    Use the following command to build your application using Maven:
    $ mvn clean package -Plibrary-jbossas -Ddatagrid.maven.repo=file:///path/to/unpacked/jdg/maven/repository