Chapter 2. Known issues

This section lists known issues with Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.0.2. Where available, workaround suggestions are provided.

2.1. General known issues

2.1.1. "openshift-oauth-client" rewritten

A second deployment of CodeReady Workspaces to the same OpenShift Container Platform cluster causes the oAuth secret in the openshift-oauth-client client to be rewritten. It is recommended not to deploy multiple instances of CodeReady Workspaces top the same OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

To work around this issue, manually create another oAuth client with the right redirecURI, secret, and name.

2.1.2. Cannot continue interrupted deployment

The deployment script does not have an option to continue a deployment that was interrupted or previously failed. When the installation is interrupted before it successfully completes, the used namespace needs to be manually cleared of incomplete deployment artefacts.

Following an interrupted or failed deployment, select the used namespace and deployments, pods, and secrets, as well as the Che configuration map. Then repeat the deployment process from the start.

2.1.3. Multiple workspaces fail to run at the same time

Provided the two following conditions are met, it will not be possible to run two or more workspaces at the same time:

  • CodeReady Workspaces uses the commons Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) strategy
  • Persistent volumes (PVs) use ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode

To work around this limitation, use one of the two following measures:

  • set ReadWriteMany (RWX) access mode for PVs
  • use the unique PVC strategy

2.1.4. Workspaces fail to start correctly when using the 'per-workspace' PVC strategy

When the per-workspace PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) strategy is configured, workspaces fail to start correctly. Workspace start is extremely slow because the pod that is launched to create directories in the PVC is attempting to mount a wrong PVC.

To work around this issue, set the CHE_INFRA_KUBERNETES_PVC_PRECREATE__SUBPATHS environment variable to false in the che configuration map, and restart CodeReady Workspaces.

2.1.5. PVC is not removed when deleting a workspace with the 'per-workspace' PVC strategy

When the per-workspace PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) strategy is configured, associated PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) is not removed nor cleaned up when deleting a workspace. To avoid encountering this issue, do not use the per-workspace PVC strategy (instead, use the common or unique strategy).

Alternatively, the associated PVC can be deleted manually using the oc delete pvc <pvc_name_or_id> command.

2.1.6. Deploying CodeReady Workspaces with enabled proxy fails

When proxy settings are configured in the config.yaml configuration file, the deployment fails. No workaround is available for this issue.

2.1.7. Authentication fails with OpenShift oAuth identity provider

When CodeReady Workspaces is installed with TLS and OpenShift oAuth support, authentication on the CodeReady Workspaces login page fails with the following error message: Unexpected error when authenticating with identity provider.