Chapter 6. Testing your Quarkus application with JUnit

After you compile your Quarkus Getting Started project, test your application with the JUnit 5 framework to ensure that it runs as expected. There are two test dependencies in the Quarkus project generated pom.xml file:


The quarkus-junit5 dependency is required for testing because it provides the @QuarkusTest annotation that controls the JUnit 5 testing framework. The rest-assured dependency is not required but because it provides a convenient way to test HTTP endpoints, it is integrated as well. It automatically sets the correct URL so no configuration is required.


These tests use the REST-assured framework, but you can use a different library if you prefer.


  • You have compiled the Quarkus Getting Started project.


  1. Open the generated pom.xml file and review the contents:


    Note, that:

    • the java.util.logging.manager system property is set to ensure that you application uses the correct log manager for the test.
    • the maven.home property points to the location of the settings.xml file in which you can store custom Maven configuration that you want to apply to your project.
  2. Edit the src/test/java/org/acme/quickstart/ file to match the following content:

    package org.acme.quickstart;
    import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
    import static;
    public class GreetingResourceTest {
        public void testHelloEndpoint() {
        public void testGreetingEndpoint() {
            String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
              .pathParam("name", uuid)
                .body(is("hello " + uuid));

    By using the QuarkusTest runner, you instruct JUnit to start the application before starting the tests.

  3. To run these tests from Maven, enter the following command:

    ./mvnw test

    You can also run the test from your IDE. If you do this, make sure to stop the application first.

    By default, tests run on port 8081 so they do not conflict with the running application. In Quarkus, the RestAssured dependency is configured to use this port. If you want to use a different client, use the @TestHTTPResource annotation to directly inject the URL of the tested application into a field on the Test class. This field can be of the type String, URL or URI. You can also provide the test path in this annotation. For example, to test a servlet mapped to /myservlet, add the following lines to your test:

    URL testUrl;
  4. If necessary, specify the test port in the quarkus.http.test-port configuration property.

Quarkus also creates a system property called test.url that is set to the base test URL for situations where you cannot use injection.