Chapter 3. Red Hat build of OpenJDK features

3.1. New features and enhancements

This section describes the new features introduced in this release. It also contains information about changes in the existing features.


3.1.1. Added -groupname option to keytool key pair generation command

A new -groupname option has been added to the keytool -genkeypair command. Use the -groupname option to specify a named elliptic curve (EC) group when generating a key pair.

For example, the following command generates an EC key pair using the secp384r1 curve: keytool -genkeypair -keyalg EC -groupname secp384r1

It is recommended that you use the -groupname option over the -keysize option, because there might be multiple curves of the same size.

For more information, see JDK-8213821.

3.1.2. Added support for X25519 and X448 in TLS

The named elliptic curve groups x25519 and x448 are now available for JSSE key agreement in TLS versions 1.0 to 1.3.

The curve group x25519 is the most preferred of the default enabled named groups. The default ordered list is as follows:

  • x25519
  • secp256r1
  • secp384r1
  • secp521r1
  • x448
  • secp256k1
  • ffdhe2048
  • ffdhe3072
  • ffdhe4096
  • ffdhe6144
  • ffdhe8192

Use the system property jdk.tls.namedGroups to override the default list.

For more information, see JDK-8225764.

3.1.3. Added default native GSS-API library on Windows

A native GSS-API library has been added to JDK on the Windows platform. The library is client-side only and uses the default credentials. It is activated by setting the system property to "true". A user can still make use of a third-party native GSS-API library instead by setting the system property to its path.

For more information, see JDK-8214079.