Release Notes for Node.js 10

Red Hat build of Node.js 10

For use with Node.js 10.19.0

Red Hat Customer Content Services


This Release Note contains important information related to Node.js 10.19.0.

Chapter 1. Required Infrastructure Component Versions

Red Hat does not provide support for components listed below, with the exception of components explicitly designated as supported.

Component nameVersion

Node.js v8[a]

8.16.0 LTS

Node.js v10[b]

10.19.0 LTS

Web App Node.js v10[c]




npm 5[d]


npm 6[e]


OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)[f]

3.11, 4.3


1.34.2 or later




2.0 or later

oc command line tool

3.11 or later[h]

[a] The Node.js v8 release is supported by Red Hat
[b] The Node.js v10 release is supported by Red Hat
[c] The Web App Node.js v10 image release is Technology Preview
[d] Distributed as a supported RPM for Node.js 8
[e] Distributed with as a supported RPM for Node.js 10
[f] OCP is supported by Red Hat
[g] CDK is supported by Red Hat
[h] The version of the oc CLI tool should correspond to the version of OCP that you are using.

Chapter 2. Features

This section contains information about feature changes introduced in the current release.

2.1. New and Changed features

2.1.1. Support for Node.js Runtime on IBM Z

The Red Hat build of Node.js for s390x platform is supported only in OpenShift environments provisioned on IBM Z infrastructure. Running an Node.js application on a stand-alone installation of RHEL on IBM Z is not supported.

New images for products supported on IBM Z are available in the Red Hat Container Catalog.

2.1.2. Deploying example applications on OpenShift provisioned on IBM Z infrastructure

To deploy the example applications on OpenShift environments provisioned on IBM Z infrastructure, specify the relevant IBM Z image name in the package.json file and commands.

Some of the example applications also require other products, such as Red Hat Data Grid to demonstrate the workflows. In this case, you must also change the image names of these products to their relevant IBM Z image names in the YAML file of the example applications.

The Secured example application in Node.js requires Red Hat SSO 7.3. Since Red Hat SSO 7.3 is not supported on IBM Z, the Secured example is not available for IBM Z.

2.2. Deprecated features

There are no features deprecated in this release.

2.3. Technology preview

There are no new Technology Preview features introduced in this release.

2.4. Supported architectures

Node.js builder images and RPM packages are available and supported for use with the following CPU architectures:

  • AMD x86_64
  • PowerPC 64-bit Little Endian

Chapter 3. Release components

3.1. Node.js 10

Latest release: 2019-08-15

3.2. Web App Node.js 10

Latest release: 2019-03-22

Chapter 4. Fixed issues

4.1. Node.js 10

This Node.js 10 release incorporates all bugfixes form the upstream release. Issues resolved in the community release are listed in the Node.js 10 changelog.

For a list of security-related updates that apply to this release of Node.js 10, see the Affected Packages section on the respective Node.js 10 Container Catalog Page.

4.2. Web App Node.js 10

For a list of security-related updates that apply to this release of Web App Node.js 10, see the Affected Packages section on the respective Web App Node.js 10 Container Catalog Page.

Chapter 5. Known issues

5.1. Node.js 10

There are no known issues affecting this release.

5.2. Web App Node.js

There are no known issues affecting this release.

Chapter 6. Known issues affecting required infrastructure components

There are no known issues affecting infrastructure components required by this release.

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