Chapter 4. Review inventories with Automation content navigator

As a content creator, you can review your Ansible inventory with Automation content navigator and interactively delve into the groups and hosts.

4.1. Reviewing inventory from Automation content navigator

You can review Ansible inventories with the Automation content navigator text-based user interface in interactive mode and delve into groups and hosts for more details.


  • A valid inventory file or an inventory plugin.


  1. Start Automation content navigator

    $ ansible-navigator

    You can optionally type ansible-navigator inventory -i simple_inventory.yml from the command line to directly view the inventory.

  2. Review the inventory.

     :inventory -i simple_inventory.yml
       TITLE            DESCRIPTION
    0│Browse groups    Explore each inventory group and group members members
    1│Browse hosts     Explore the inventory with a list of all hosts
  3. Type 0 to brows the groups.

      NAME               TAXONOMY                      TYPE
    0│general            all                           group
    1│nodes              all                           group
    2│ungrouped          all                           group

    The TAXONOMY field details the heirarchy of groups the selected group or node belongs to.

  4. Type the number corresponding to the group you want to delve into.

      NAME              TAXONOMY                        TYPE
    0│node-0            all▸nodes                       host
    1│node-1            all▸nodes                       host
    2│node-2            all▸nodes                       host
  5. Type the number corresponding to the host you want to delve into, or type :<number> for numbers greater than 9.

    2│inventory_hostname: node-1


  • Review the inventory output.

      TITLE            DESCRIPTION
    0│Browse groups   Explore each inventory group and group members members
    1│Browse hosts    Explore the inventory with a list of all hosts