Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

Chapter 8. Enriching Output Data

8.1. Out-of-the-Box Enrichment Methods

Three methods for enriching your output data are included with the product:
JDBC Datasources
Use a JDBC Datasource to access a database and use SQL statements to read from and write to the Database. This capability is provided through the Smooks Routing Cartridge. See the section on routing to a database using SQL.
Entity persistence
Use an entity persistence framework (like Ibatis, Hibernate or any JPA compatible framework) to access a database and use its query language or CRUD methods to read from it or write to it.
Use custom Data Access Objects (DAOs) to access a database and use its CRUD methods to read from it or write to it.

8.2. Hibernation Example

The data to be processed is an XML order message. Depending on your needs, the input data could also be CSV, JSON, EDI, Java or any other structured/hierarchical data format. The same principals apply, no matter what the data format is. The same principals follow for any JPA compliant framework:

8.3. Hibernate Entities

The following is a snapshot of the hibernate function's entities:
public class Order {
    private Integer ordernumber;
    private String customerId;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private List orderItems = new ArrayList();
    public void addOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine) {
    // Getters and Setters....
public class OrderLine {
    private Integer id;
    private Order order;
    private Integer quantity;
    private Product product;
    // Getters and Setters....
@Table(name = "products")
@NamedQuery(name="product.byId", query="from Product p where = :id")
public class Product {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    // Getters and Setters....

8.4. Processing and Persisting an Order

  1. To process and persist an XML "order" message, you should bind the order data into the Order entities (Order, OrderLine and Product). To do this, create and populate the Order and OrderLine entities using the Java Binding framework.
  2. Wire each OrderLine instance into the Order instance.
  3. In each OrderLine instance, you should lookup and wire in the associated order line Product entity.
  4. Finally, insert (persist) the Order instance as seen below:
    <smooks-resource-list xmlns="" 
        <jb:bean beanId="order" class="example.entity.Order" createOnElement="order">
            <jb:value property="ordernumber" data="ordernumber" />
            <jb:value property="customerId" data="customer" />
            <jb:wiring setterMethod="addOrderLine" beanIdRef="orderLine" />
        <jb:bean beanId="orderLine" class="example.entity.OrderLine" createOnElement="order-item">
            <jb:value property="quantity" data="quantity" />
            <jb:wiring property="order" beanIdRef="order" />
            <jb:wiring property="product" beanIdRef="product" />
        <dao:locator beanId="product" lookupOnElement="order-item" onNoResult="EXCEPTION" uniqueResult="true">
            <dao:query>from Product p where = :id</dao:query>
                <dao:value name="id" data="product" decoder="Integer" />
        <dao:inserter beanId="order" insertOnElement="order" />
  5. If you want to use the named query productById instead of the query string, the DAO locator configuration will look like this:
    <dao:locator beanId="product" lookupOnElement="order-item" lookup="product.byId" onNoResult="EXCEPTION" uniqueResult="true">
            <dao:value name="id" data="product" decoder="Integer"/>

8.5. Executing Smooks with a SessionRegister Object

The following code executes Smooks. A SessionRegister object is used so the Hibernate Session can be accessed from within Smooks.
Smooks smooks = new Smooks("smooks-config.xml");
ExecutionContext executionContext = smooks.createExecutionContext();
// The SessionRegister provides the bridge between Hibernate and the
// Persistence Cartridge. We provide it with the Hibernate session.
// The Hibernate Session is set as default Session.
DaoRegister register = new SessionRegister(session);
// This sets the DAO Register in the executionContext for Smooks
// to access it.
PersistenceUtil.setDAORegister(executionContext, register);
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
smooks.filterSource(executionContext, source);

8.6. Persisting an Order with DAO

  1. To persist an order with DAO, observe the example code below. This example will read an XML file containing order information (this works the same for EDI, CSV, and so on). Using the Javabean cartridge, it will bind the XML data into a set of entity beans. It will locate the product entities and bind them to the order entity bean using the ID of the products within the order items (the product element). Finally, the order bean will be persisted.
    The order XML message looks like this:
  2. Use a custom DAO such as the example below to persist the Order entity:
    public class OrderDao {
        private final EntityManager em;
        public OrderDao(EntityManager em) {
            this.em = em;
        public void insertOrder(Order order) {
    When looking at this class you should notice the @Dao and @Insert annotations. The @Dao annotation declares that the OrderDao is a DAO object. The @Insert annotation declares that the insertOrder method should be used to insert Order entities.
  3. Use a custom DAO as shown in the following example to lookup the Product entities:
    public class ProductDao {
        private final EntityManager em;
        public ProductDao(EntityManager em) {
            this.em = em;
        @Lookup(name = "id")
        public Product findProductById(@Param("id")int id) {
            return em.find(Product.class, id);
    When looking at this class, you should notice the @Lookup and @Param annotation. The @Lookup annotation declares that the ProductDao#findByProductId method is used to lookup Product entities. The name parameter in the @Lookup annotation sets the lookup name reference for that method. When the name isn’t declared, the method name will be used. The optional @Param annotation lets you name the parameters. This creates a better abstraction between Smooks and the DAO. If you don’t declare the @Param annotation the parameters are resolved by there position.
  4. When you have configured your order as shown above, the resulting Smooks configuration will look like this:
    <smooks-resource-list xmlns=""
        <jb:bean BeanId="order" class="example.entity.Order" createOnElement="order">
            <jb:value property="ordernumber" data="ordernumber"/>
            <jb:value property="customerId" data="customer"/>
            <jb:wiring setterMethod="addOrderLine" BeanIdRef="orderLine"/>
        <jb:bean BeanId="orderLine" class="example.entity.OrderLine" createOnElement="order-item">
            <jb:value property="quantity" data="quantity"/>
            <jb:wiring property="order" BeanIdRef="order"/>
            <jb:wiring property="product" BeanIdRef="product"/>
        <dao:locator BeanId="product" dao="product" lookup="id" lookupOnElement="order-item" onNoResult="EXCEPTION">
                <dao:value name="id" data="product" decoder="Integer"/>
        <dao:inserter BeanId="order" dao="order" insertOnElement="order"/>
  5. Use the following code to execute Smooks:
    Smooks smooks=new Smooks("./smooks-configs/smooks-dao-config.xml");
    ExecutionContext executionContext=smooks.createExecutionContext();
    // The register is used to map the DAO's to a DAO name. The DAO name isbe used in
    // the configuration.
    // The MapRegister is a simple Map like implementation of the DaoRegister.
    DaoRegister<object>register = MapRegister.builder()
            .put("product",new ProductDao(em))
            .put("order",new OrderDao(em))
    // Transaction management from within Smooks isn't supported yet,
    // so we need to do it outside the filter execution
    EntityTransaction tx=em.getTransaction();
    smooks.filter(new StreamSource(messageIn),null,executionContext);