13.21. Basic Conditional Elements

Table 13.4. Basic Conditional Elements

Name Description Example Additional options
The Conditional Element and is used to group other Conditional Elements into a logical conjunction. JBoss Rules supports both prefix and and infix and. It supports explicit grouping with parentheses. You can also use traditional infix and prefix and.
Cheese( cheeseType : type ) and Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType )
//infixAnd with grouping
( Cheese( cheeseType : type ) and
  ( Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType ) or 
    Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType ) )
Prefix and is also supported:
(and Cheese( cheeseType : type )
     Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType ) )
The root element of the LHS is an implicit prefix and and doesn't need to be specified:
    Cheese( cheeseType : type )
    Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType )
This is a shortcut for generating two or more similar rules. JBoss Rules supports both prefix or and infix or. You can use traditional infix, prefix and explicit grouping parentheses.
Cheese( cheeseType : type ) or Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType )
//infixOr with grouping
( Cheese( cheeseType : type ) or
  ( Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType ) and
    Person( favouriteCheese == cheeseType ) )
(or Person( sex == "f", age > 60 )
    Person( sex == "m", age > 65 )
Allows for optional pattern binding. Each pattern must be bound separately, using eponymous variables:
pensioner : ( Person( sex == "f", age > 60 ) or Person( sex == "m", age > 65 ) )
(or pensioner : Person( sex == "f", age > 60 ) 
    pensioner : Person( sex == "m", age > 65 ) )
This checks to ensure an object specified as absent is not included in the Working Memory. It may be followed by parentheses around the condition elements it applies to. (In a single pattern you can omit the parentheses.)
// Brackets are optional:
not Bus(color == "red")
// Brackets are optional:
not ( Bus(color == "red", number == 42) )
// "not" with nested infix and - two patterns,
// brackets are requires:
not ( Bus(color == "red") and
      Bus(color == "blue") )
This checks the working memory to see if a specified item exists. The keyword exists must be followed by parentheses around the CEs that it applies to. (In a single pattern you can omit the parentheses.)
exists Bus(color == "red")
// brackets are optional:
exists ( Bus(color == "red", number == 42) )
// "exists" with nested infix and,
// brackets are required:
exists ( Bus(color == "red") and
         Bus(color == "blue") )


The behavior of the Conditional Element or is different from the connective || for constraints and restrictions in field constraints. The engine cannot interpret the Conditional Element or. Instead, a rule with or is rewritten as a number of subrules. This process ultimately results in a rule that has a single or as the root node and one subrule for each of its CEs. Each subrule can activate and fire like any normal rule; there is no special behavior or interaction between these subrules.