Chapter 19. Configuring Clients

19.1. Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

Prior to release 7.1, JBoss EAP client libraries, such as EJB and naming, used different configuration strategies. JBoss EAP 7.1 introduced the wildfly-config.xml file with the purpose of unifying all client configurations into one single configuration file, in a similar manner to the way the server configuration is handled.

The following table describes the clients and types of configuration that can be done using the wildfly-config.xml file in JBoss EAP and a link to the reference schema link for each.

Client ConfigurationSchema Location / Configuration Information

Authentication client

The schema reference is provided in the product installation at EAP_HOME/docs/schema/elytron-client-1_2.xsd.

The schema is also published at

See Client Authentication Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File for more information and for an example configuration.

Additional information can be found in Configure Client Authentication with Elytron Client in How to Configure Identity Management for JBoss EAP.

EJB client

The schema reference is provided in the product installation at EAP_HOME/docs/schema/wildfly-client-ejb_3_0.xsd.

The schema is also published at

See EJB Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File for more information and for an example configuration.

Another simple example is located in the Migrate an EJB Client to Elytron section of the Migration Guide for JBoss EAP.

HTTP client

The schema reference is provided in the product installation at EAP_HOME/docs/schema/wildfly-http-client_1_0.xsd.

The schema is also published at


This feature is provided as a Technology Preview only.

See HTTP Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File for more information and for an example configuration.

Remoting client

The schema reference is provided in the product installation at EAP_HOME/docs/schema/jboss-remoting_5_0.xsd.

The schema is also published at

See Remoting Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File for more information and for an example configuration.

XNIO worker client

The schema reference is provided in the product installation at EAP_HOME/docs/schema/xnio_3_5.xsd.

The schema is also published at

See Default XNIO Worker Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File for more information and for an example configuration.

19.1.1. Client Authentication Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

You can use the authentication-client element, which is in the urn:elytron:client:1.2 namespace, to configure client authentication information using the wildfly-config.xml file. This section describes how to configure client authentication using this element.

authentication-client Elements and Attributes

The authentication-client element can optionally contain the following top level child elements, along with their child elements:


This optional element defines credential stores that are referenced from elsewhere in the configuration as an alternative to embedding credentials within the configuration.

It can contain any number of credential-store elements.

Example: credential-stores Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <credential-store name="..." type="..." provider="..." >
          <attribute name="..." value="..." />


This element defines a credential store that is referenced from elsewhere in the configuration.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the credential store. This attribute is required.


The type of credential store. This attribute is optional.


The name of the to use to load the credential store. This attribute is optional.

It can contain one and only one of each of the following child elements.


This element defines the configuration attributes used to initialize the credential store and can be repeated as many times as is required for the configuration.

Example: attributes Configuration

  <attribute name="..." value="..." />


This element contains one or more credentials to be assembled into a protection parameter to be used when initializing the credential store.

It can contain one or more of the following child elements, which are dependent on the credential store implementation:

Example: protection-parameter-credentials Configuration

  <credential-store-reference store="..." alias="..." clear-text="..." />
  <clear-password password="..." />
  <key-pair public-key-pem="..." private-key-pem="..." />
  <certificate private-key-pem="..." pem="..." />
  <bearer-token value="..." />
  <oauth2-bearer-token token-endpoint-uri="...">...</oauth2-bearer-token>


This element, which is not currently used by any authentication mechanisms in JBoss EAP, defines a reference to a keystore.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The keystore name. This attribute is required.


The alias of the entry to load from the referenced keystore. This can be omitted only for keystores that contain just a single entry.

It can contain one and only one of the following child elements.

Example: key-store-reference Configuration

<key-store-reference key-store-name="..." alias="...">
  <key-store-clear-password password="..." />


This element defines a reference to a credential store.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The credential store name.


The alias of the entry to load from the referenced credential store. This can be omitted only for keystores that contain just a single entry.


The clear text password.

This element defines a clear text password.

This element, which is not currently used by any authentication mechanisms in JBoss EAP, defines a public and private key pair.

It can contain the following child elements.

This element, which is not currently used by any authentication mechanisms in JBoss EAP, defines the PEM-encoded public key.
This element defines the PEM-encoded private key.

This element, which is not currently used by any authentication mechanisms in JBoss EAP, specifies a certificate.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A PEM-encoded private key.


The corresponding certificate.

This element defines a bearer token.

This element defines an OAuth 2 bearer token.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The URI of the token endpoint.

It can contain one and only one of each of the following child elements.


This element defines the client credentials.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The client ID. This attribute is required.


The client secret. This attribute is required.


This element defines the resource owner credentials.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The resource name. This attribute is required.


The password. This attribute is required.


This optional element defines keystores that are referenced from elsewhere in the configuration.

Example: key-stores Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <key-store name="...">
        <!-- The following 3 elements specify where to load the keystore from. -->
        <file name="..." />
        <load-from uri="..." />
        <resource name="..." />
        <!-- One of the following to specify the protection parameter to unlock the keystore. -->
        <key-store-clear-password password="..." />


This optional element defines a keystore that is referenced from elsewhere in the configuration.

The key-store has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the keystore. This attribute is required.


The keystore type, for example, JCEKS. This attribute is required.


The name of the to use to load the credential store. This attribute is optional.


If true, passwords will wrap. The passwords are stored by taking the clear password contents, encoding them in UTF-8, and storing the resultant bytes as a secret key. Defaults to false.

It must contain exactly one of the following elements, which define where to load the keystore from.

It must also contain one of the following elements, which specifies the protection parameter to use when initializing the keystore.


This element specifies the name of the keystore file.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The fully qualified file path and name of the file.


This element specifies the URI of the keystore file.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The URI for the keystore file.


This element specifies the name of the resource to load from the Thread context class loader.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the resource.


This element specifies the clear text password.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The clear text password.


This element specifies a reference to another keystore that obtains an entry to use as the protection parameter to access this keystore.

The key-store-credential element has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The keystore name. This attribute is required.


The alias of the entry to load from the referenced keystore. This can be omitted only for keystores that contain just a single entry.

It can contain one and only one of the following child elements.

Example: key-store-credential Configuration

<key-store-credential key-store-name="..." alias="...">
  <key-store-clear-password password="..." />


This element defines the rules to match against the outbound connection to apply the appropriate authentication configuration. When an authentication-configuration is required, the URI of the accessed resources as well as an optional abstract type and abstract type authority are matched against the rules defined in the configuration to identify which authentication-configuration should be used.

This element can contain one or more child rule elements.

Example: authentication-rules Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <rule use-configuration="...">


This element defines the rules to match against the outbound connection to apply the appropriate authentication configuration.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The authentication configuration that is chosen when rules match.

Authentication configuration rule matching is independent of SSL context rule matching. The authentication rule structure is identical to the SSL context rule structure, except that it references an authentication configuration, while the SSL context rule references an SSL context.

It can contain the following child elements.

Example: rule Configuration for Authentication

<rule use-configuration="...">
    <!-- At most one of the following two can be defined. -->
    <match-no-user />
    <match-user name="..." />
    <!-- Each of the following can be defined at most once. -->
    <match-protocol name="..." />
    <match-host name="..." />
    <match-path name="..." />
    <match-port number="..." />
    <match-urn name="..." />
    <match-domain name="..." />
    <match-abstract-type name="..." authority="..." />

This rule matches when there is no user-info embedded within the URI.
This rule matches when the user-info embedded in the URI matches the name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the protocol within the URI matches the protocol name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the host name specified within the URI matches the host name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the path specified within the URI matches the path name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the port number specified within the URI matches the port number attribute specified in this element. This only matches against the number specified within the URI and not against any default port number derived from the protocol.
This rule matches when the scheme specific part of the URI matches the name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the protocol of the URI is domain and the scheme specific part of the URI matches the name attribute specified in this element.
This rule matches when the abstract type matches the name attribute and the authority matches the authority attribute specified in this element.

This element defines named authentication configurations that are to be chosen by the authentication rules.

It can contain one or more configuration elements.

Example: authentication-configurations Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <configuration name="...">
        <!-- Destination Overrides. -->
        <set-host name="..." />
        <set-port number="..." />
        <set-protocol name="..." />
        <!-- At most one of the following two elements. -->
        <set-user-name name="..." />
        <set-anonymous />
        <set-mechanism-realm name="..." />
        <rewrite-user-name-regex pattern="..." replacement="..." />
        <sasl-mechanism-selector selector="..." />
          <property key="..." value="..." />
        <set-authorization-name name="..." />
        <!-- At most one of the following two elements. -->
        <use-provider-sasl-factory />
        <use-service-loader-sasl-factory module-name="..." />


This element defines named authentication configurations that are to be chosen by the authentication rules.

It can contain the following child elements.


This element overrides the host name for the authenticated call.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The host name.


This element overrides the port number for the authenticated call.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The port number.


This element overrides the protocol for the authenticated call.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The protocol.


This element sets the user name to use for the authentication. It should not be used with the set-anonymous element.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The user name to use for authentication.

The element is used to switch to anonymous authentication. It should not be used with the set-user-name element.

This element specifies the name of the realm that will be selected by the SASL mechanism if required.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the realm.


This element defines a regular expression pattern and replacement to rewrite the user name used for authentication.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A regular expression pattern.


The replacement to use to rewrite the user name used for authentication.


This element specifies a SASL mechanism selector using the syntax from the method.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The SASL mechanism selector.

For more information about the grammar required for the sasl-mechanism-selector, see sasl-mechanism-selector Grammar in How to Configure Server Security for JBoss EAP.

This element can contain one or more property elements that are to be passed to the authentication mechanisms.

This element defines a property to be passed to the authentication mechanisms.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The property name.


The property value.


This element defines one or more credentials available for use during authentication.

It can contain one or more of the following child elements, which are dependent on the credential store implementation:

These are the same child elements as those contained in the protection-parameter-credentials element. See the protection-parameter-credentials element for details and an example configuration.


This element specifies the name that should be used for authorization if it is different from the authentication identity.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name that should be used for authorization.

This element specifies the instances that are either inherited or defined in this configuration and that are to be used to locate the available SASL client factories. This element should not be used with the use-service-loader-sasl-factory element.

This element specifies the module that is to be used to discover the SASL client factories using the service loader discovery mechanism. If no module is specified, the class loader that loaded the configuration is used. This element should not be used with the use-provider-sasl-factory element.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the module.


This element contains no configuration. If present, the is registered with This allows the Elytron authentication client configuration to be used for authentication when JDK APIs are used for HTTP calls that require authentication.


Because the JDK caches the authentication on the first call across the JVM, it is better to use this approach only on standalone processes that do not require different credentials for different calls to the same URI.


This optional element defines the SSL context rules. When an ssl-context is required, the URI of the accessed resources as well as an optional abstract type and abstract type authority are matched against the rules defined in the configuration to identify which ssl-context should be used.

This element can contain one or more child rule elements.

Example: ssl-context-rules Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <rule use-ssl-context="...">


This element defines the rule to match on the SSL context definitions.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The SSL context definition that is chosen when rules match.

SSL context rule matching is independent of authentication rule matching. The SSL context rule structure is identical to the authentication configuration rule structure, except that it references an SSL context, while the authentication rule references an authentication configuration.

It can contain the following child elements.

Example: rule Configuration for SSL Context

<rule use-ssl-context="...">
  <!-- At most one of the following two can be defined. -->
  <match-no-user />
  <match-user name="..." />
  <!-- Each of the following can be defined at most once. -->
  <match-protocol name="..." />
  <match-host name="..." />
  <match-path name="..." />
  <match-port number="..." />
  <match-urn name="..." />
  <match-domain name="..." />
  <match-abstract-type name="..." authority="..." />


This optional element defines SSL context definitions that are to be chosen by the SSL context rules.

Example: ssl-contexts Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
      <default-ssl-context name="..."/>
      <ssl-context name="...">
        <trust-store key-store-name="..." />
        <cipher-suite selector="..." />
        <protocol names="... ..." />
        <provider-name name="..." />
        <certificate-revocation-list path="..." maximum-cert-path="..." />

This element takes the SSLContext returned by and assigns it a name so it can referenced from the ssl-context-rules. This element can be repeated, meaning the default SSL context can be referenced using different names.

This element defines an SSL context to use for connections.

It can optionally contain one of each of the following child elements.


This element defines a reference to an entry within a keystore for the key and certificate to use for this SSL context.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The keystore name. This attribute is required.


The alias of the entry to load from the referenced keystore. This can be omitted only for keystores that contain just a single entry.

It can contain the following child elements:

This structure is nearly identical to the structure used in the key-store-credential configuration with the exception that here it obtains the entry for the key and for the certificate. However, the nested key-store-clear-password and key-store-credential elements still provide the protection parameter to unlock the entry.

Example: key-store-ssl-certificate Configuration

<key-store-ssl-certificate key-store-name="..." alias="...">
  <key-store-clear-password password="..." />


This element is a reference to the keystore that is to be used to initialize the TrustManager.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The keystore name. This attribute is required.


This element configures the filter for the enabled cipher suites.

It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The selector to filter the cipher suites. The selector uses the format of the OpenSSL-style cipher list string created by the method.

Example: cipher-suite Configuration Using Default Filtering

<cipher-suite selector="DEFAULT" />

This element defines a space separated list of the protocols to be supported. See the client-ssl-context Attributes table in How to Configure Server Security for JBoss EAP for the list of available protocols. Red Hat recommends that you use TLSv1.2.
Once the available providers have been identified, only the provider with the name defined on this element is used.

This element defines both the path to the certificate revocation list and the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can exist in a certification path. The presence of this element enables checking the peer’s certificate against the certificate revocation list.

It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The path to the certification list. This attribute is optional.


The maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that can exist in a certification path. This attribute is optional.


This element defines how instances are located when required.

It can contain the following child elements.

Because the configuration sections of authentication-client are independent of each other, this element can be configured in the following locations.

Example: Locations of providers Configuration

  <authentication-client xmlns="urn:elytron:client:1.2">
    <providers />
      <credential-store name="...">
        <providers />
      <authentication-configuration name="...">
        <providers />
      <ssl-context name="...">
        <providers />

The providers configuration applies to the element in which it is defined and to any of its child elements unless it is overridden. The specification of a providers in a child element overrides a providers specified in any of its parent elements. If no providers configuration is specified, the default behavior is the equivalent of the following, which gives the Elytron provider priority over any globally registered providers, but also allows for the use of globally registered providers.

Example: providers Configuration

  <use-service-loader />
  <global />

This empty element specifies to use the global providers loaded by the method call.
This empty element specifies to use the providers that are loaded by the specified module. If no module is specified, the class loader that loaded the authentication client is used.

Elements Not Currently Used By Any JBoss EAP Authentication Mechanisms

The following child elements of the credentials element in the Elytron client configuration are not currently used by any authentication mechanisms in JBoss EAP. They can be used in your own custom implementations of authentication mechanism; however, they are not supported.

  1. key-pair
  2. public-key-pem
  3. key-store-reference
  4. certificate

19.1.2. EJB Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

You can use the jboss-ejb-client element, which is in the urn:jboss:wildfly-client-ejb:3.0 namespace, to configure EJB client connections, global interceptors, and invocation timeouts using the wildfly-config.xml file. This section describes how to configure an EJB client using this element.

jboss-ejb-client Elements and Attributes

The jboss-ejb-client element can optionally contain the following three top level child elements, along with their child elements:


This optional element specifies the EJB invocation timeout. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The timeout, in seconds, for the EJB handshake or the method invocation request/response cycle. This attribute is required.

If the execution of a method takes longer than the timeout period, the invocation throws a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; however, the server side will not be interrupted.

This optional element specifies the global EJB client interceptors. It can contain any number of interceptor elements.

This element is used to specify an EJB client interceptor. It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of a class that implements the org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientInterceptor interface. This attribute is required.


The name of the module that should be used to load the interceptor class. This attribute is optional.

This element is used to specify EJB client connections. It can contain any number of connection elements.

This element is used to specify an EJB client connection. It can optionally contain an interceptors element. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The destination URI for the connection. This attribute is required.

This element is used to specify EJB client interceptors and can contain any number of interceptor elements.
Example EJB Client Configuration in the wildfly-config.xml File

The following is an example that configures the EJB client connections, global interceptors, and invocation timeout using the jboss-ejb-client element in the wildfly-config.xml file.

    <jboss-ejb-client xmlns="urn:jboss:wildfly-client-ejb:3.0">
        <invocation-timeout seconds="10"/>
            <connection uri="remote+"/>
            <interceptor class="org.jboss.example.ExampleInterceptor"/>

19.1.3. HTTP Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

The following is an example of how to configure HTTP clients using the wildfly-config.xml file.

    <http-client xmlns="urn:wildfly-http-client:1.0">
            <eagerly-acquire-session value="true" />
            <buffer-pool buffer-size="2000" max-size="10" direct="true" thread-local-size="1" />

HTTP client configuration using the wildfly-config.xml file is provided as Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

19.1.4. Remoting Client Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

You can use the endpoint element, which is in the urn:jboss-remoting:5.0 namespace, to configure a remoting client using the wildfly-config.xml file. This section describes how to configure a remoting client using this element.

endpoint Elements and Attributes

The endpoint element can optionally contain the following two top level child elements, along with their child elements.

It also has the following attribute:

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The endpoint name. This attribute is optional. If not provided, an endpoint name is derived from the system’s host name, if possible.

This optional element specifies transport providers for the remote endpoint. It can contain any number of provider elements.

This element defines a remote transport provider. It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The primary URI scheme that corresponds to this provider. This attribute is required.


The space-separated list of of other URI scheme names that are also recognized for this provider. This attribute is optional.


The name of the module that contains the provider implementation. This attribute is optional. If not provided, the class loader that loads JBoss Remoting searches for the provider class.


The name of the class that implements the transport provider. This attribute is optional. If not provided, the java.util.ServiceLoader facility is used to search for the provider class.

This optional element specifies connections for the remote endpoint. It can contain any number of connection elements.

This element defines a connection for the remote endpoint. It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The destination URI for the endpoint. This attribute is required.


The timeout, in seconds, for read operations on the corresponding socket. This attribute is optional; however, it should be provided only if a heartbeat-interval is defined.


The timeout, in seconds, for a write operation. This attribute is optional; however, it should be provided only if a heartbeat-interval is defined.


Defines the numeric IP traffic class to use for this connection’s traffic. This attribute is optional.


Boolean setting that determines whether to use TCP keepalive. This attribute is optional.


The interval, in milliseconds, to use when checking for a connection heartbeat. This attribute is optional.

Example Remoting Client Configuration in the wildfly-config.xml File

The following is an example that configures a remoting client using the wildfly-config.xml file.

  <endpoint xmlns="urn:jboss-remoting:5.0">
      <connection destination="remote+" read-timeout="50" write-timeout="50" heartbeat-interval="10000"/>

19.1.5. Default XNIO Worker Configuration Using the wildfly-config.xml File

You can use the worker element, which is in the urn:xnio:3.5 namespace, to configure an XNIO worker using the wildfly-config.xml file. This section describes how to configure an XNIO worker client using this element.

worker Elements and Attributes

The worker element can optionally contain the following top level child elements, along with their child elements:


This optional element specifies whether worker and task threads should be daemon threads. This element has no content. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A boolean value that specifies whether worker and task threads should be daemon threads. A value of true indicates that worker and task threads should be daemon threads. A value of false indicates that they should not be daemon threads. This attribute is required.

If this element is not provided, a value of true is assumed.


This element defines the name of the worker. The worker name appears in thread dumps and in JMX. This element has no content. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The name of the worker. This attribute is required.


This optional element defines the maximum size of the worker’s task thread pool. This element has no content. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A positive integer that specifies the maximum number of threads that should be created. This attribute is required.


This optional element establishes the keep-alive time of task threads before they can be expired. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A positive integer that specifies the minimum number of seconds to keep idle threads alive. This attribute is required.


This optional element determines how many I/O selector threads should be maintained. Generally this number should be a small constant that is a multiple of the number of available cores. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A positive integer that specifies the number of I/O threads. This attribute is required.


This optional element establishes the desired minimum thread stack size for worker threads. This element should only be defined in very specialized situations where density is at a premium. It has the following attribute.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


A positive integer that specifies the requested stack size, in bytes. This attribute is required.

This optional element specifies the bind addresses to use for outbound connections. Each bind address mapping consists of a destination IP address block, and a bind address and optional port number to use for connections to destinations within that block. It can contain any number of bind-address elements.

This optional element defines an individual bind address mapping. It has the following attributes.

Attribute NameAttribute Description


The IP address block, in CIDR notation, to match.


The IP address to bind to if the address block matches. This attribute is required.


The port number to bind to if the address block matches. This value defauts to 0, meaning it binds to any port. This attribute is optional.

Example XNIO Worker Configuration in the wildfly-config.xml File

The following is an example of how to configure the default XNIO worker using the wildfly-config.xml file.

  <worker xmlns="urn:xnio:3.5">
    <io-threads value="10"/>
    <task-keepalive value="100"/>