3.2.11. EJB 2.x Changes Update Applications That Use EJB 2.x

JBoss EAP 6 provides support for EJB 2.x, however, you need to make a few code modifications and start the server with the full profile.

Procedure 3.23. Run EJB 2.x on JBoss EAP 6

  1. Modify the Code to Use the New JNDI Namespace Rules

    As with EJB 3.0, you must use the full JNDI prefix with EJB 2.x. For more information on the new JNDI namespace rules and code examples, see Section, “Update Application JNDI Namespace Names”.
    Examples showing how to update JNDI namespaces from previous releases can be found here: Section, “Examples of JNDI Namespaces in Previous Releases and How They are Specified in JBoss EAP 6”.
  2. Modify the jboss-web.xml File Descriptor

    Modify the <jndi-name> for each <ejb-ref> to use the new JNDI fully qualified lookup format.
  3. Replace the jboss.xml deployment descriptor file

    The jboss-ejb3.xml deployment descriptor replaces the jboss.xml deployment descriptor to override and add to the features provided by the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) defined ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. The new file is incompatible with jboss.xml, and the jboss.xml is now ignored in deployments.
  4. Start the Server with the Full Profiles

    EJB 2.x requires the Java Enterprise Edition 6 Full Profile. To start JBoss EAP 6 with the full profile, pass the argument -c standalone-full.xml on the command line when you start the server.
  5. Clustering is no longer supported

    Clustering of EJB 2.x entity beans is no longer supported in JBoss EAP 6.