Chapter 14. Support

Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace is a self-managed deployment. When the application is deployed into your GCP infrastructure, customers are responsible for the maintenance of the GCP infrastructure, OS patching, and Ansible Automation Platform patching.

Red Hat does not support changes to the infrastructure resources deployed as part of the solution unless there is documentation by Red Hat describing the process, such as in route table configuration for networking or documented upgrade processes. Adding additional compute resources outside of extension nodes voids Red Hat support for Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace deployment.

Upgrades to Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace are performed differently from self-installed Ansible Automation Platform. Upgrading individual packages on virtual machines using dnf or other means is also not supported. Instructions will be provided in the upgrade section of this documentation with relevant content for each version, as they become available.

14.1. Supported infrastructure configuration changes

Red Hat supports changes to the following options:

  • VPC Route Configuration
  • VPC Firewall Configuration
  • VPC Load Balancer Configuration
  • Block Storage Expansion
  • DNS and resolv.conf files

Red Hat Responsibilities

Red Hat has the following responsibilities:

  • Premium support for Ansible Automation Platform
  • Directions and how-to processes for upgrading Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace.
  • Red Hat supports the current version of Ansible Automation Platform. Bug fixes and CVE patches require an upgrade to the latest version

Customer Responsibilities

You have the following responsibilities:

  • GCP infrastructure uptime
  • GCP infrastructure changes, for example, increasing block storage sizes
  • GCP network peering and configuration
  • Application of Ansible Automation Platform upgrades

    • Operating system upgrades are included
  • Backing up GCP resources

14.2. VM Image packages

Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace is delivered through virtual machines that are based on a VM image produced by the Red Hat Ansible team. This image contains packages from Red Hat and Google in order to properly function on Google Cloud Platform and run Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. The image contains the following Google packages and containers:

Package NameDescription


The Google OS Configuration Agent uses the management service to deploy, query, and maintain consistent configurations, that is, the desired state and software for your VM instance.


The Ops Agent is the primary agent for collecting telemetry from your Compute Engine instances. Combining logging and metrics into a single agent, the Ops Agent uses Fluent Bit for logs, which supports high-throughput logging, and the OpenTelemetry Collector for metrics.


The Cloud SQL Authorization proxy is used to connect Ansible Automation Platform components with the Cloud SQL database using the virtual machine service account.

gcloud CLI

The gcloud command line interface is used to configure the Ansible Automation Platform installation.