4.5. RESTful Service Description Language (RSDL)

RESTful Service Description Language (RSDL) provides a description of the structure and elements in the REST API in one whole XML specification. Invoke the RSDL using the following request.
GET /ovirt-engine/api?rsdl HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
This produces an XML document in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<rsdl href="/ovirt-engine/api?rsdl" rel="rsdl">
    <version major="4" minor="0" build="0" revision="0"/>
    <schema href="/ovirt-engine/api?schema" rel="schema">
        <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/capabilities" rel="get">

Table 4.5. RSDL Structure Elements

Element Description
description A plain text description of the RSDL document.
version The API version, including major release, minor release, build and revision.
schema A link to the XML schema (XSD) file.
links Defines each link in the API.
Each link element contains the following a structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<rsdl href="/ovirt-engine/api?rsdl" rel="rsdl">
        <link href="/ovirt-engine/api/..." rel="...">
                        <parameter required="..." type="...">

Table 4.6. RSDL Link Structure Elements

Element Description
link A URI for API requests. Includes a URI attribute (href) and a relationship type attribute (rel).
request Defines the request properties required for the link.
http_method The method type to access this link. Includes the standard HTTP methods for REST API access: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
headers Defines the headers for the HTTP request. Contains a series of header elements, which each contain a header name and value to define the header.
body Defines the body for the HTTP request. Contains a resource type and a parameter_set, which contains a sets of parameter elements with attributes to define whether they are required for a request and the data type. The parameter element also includes a name element to define the Red Hat Virtualization Manager property to modify and also a further parameter_set subset if type is set to collection.
response Defines the output for the HTTP request. Contains a type element to define the resource structure to output.
Use the RSDL in your applications as a method to map all links and parameter requirements for controlling a Red Hat Virtualization environment.