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3.16. Compute log files

The corresponding log file of each Compute service is stored in the /var/log/nova/ directory of the host on which each service runs.

Table 3.8. Log files used by Compute services

Log file Service name
api.log openstack-nova-api
cert.log [a] openstack-nova-cert
compute.log openstack-nova-compute
conductor.log openstack-nova-conductor
consoleauth.log openstack-nova-consoleauth
network.log[b] openstack-nova-network
nova-manage.log nova-manage
scheduler.log openstack-nova-scheduler
[a] The X509 certificate service (openstack-nova-cert/nova-cert) is only required by the EC2 API to the Compute service.
[b] The nova network service (openstack-nova-network/nova-network) only runs in deployments that are not configured to use the Networking service (neutron).