Chapter 5. Test the Configured Back End

After deploying the back end, test whether you can successfully create volumes on it. Doing so will require loading the necessary environment variables first. These variables are defined in /home/stack/overcloudrc by default.

To load these variables, run the following command as the stack user:

$ source /home/stack/overcloudrc

For more information, see Accessing the Overcloud.

You should now be logged in to the Controller node. From there, you can create a volume type, which can be used to specify the back end you want to use (in this case, the newly-defined back end in Chapter 3, Define a Single Back End). This is required in an OpenStack deployment where you have other back ends enabled (preferably, also through Director).

To create a volume type named dellsc, run:

$ cinder type-create dellsc

Next, map this volume type to the back end defined in ]. Given the back end name tripleo_dellsc (as defined through the CinderDellScBackendName parameter, in xref:edityaml[), run:

$ cinder type-key dellsc set volume_backend_name=tripleo_dellsc

You should now be able to create a 2GB volume on the newly defined back end by invoking its volume type. To do so, run:

$ cinder create --volume-type dellsc 2