Red Hat Training

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8.164. neutron port-create

usage: neutron port-create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                           [--prefix PREFIX] [--request-format {json}]
                           [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--name NAME]
                           [--description DESCRIPTION]
                           [--fixed-ip subnet_id=SUBNET,ip_address=IP_ADDR]
                           [--device-id DEVICE_ID]
                           [--device-owner DEVICE_OWNER] [--admin-state-down]
                           [--mac-address MAC_ADDRESS]
                           [--vnic-type <direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal>]
                           [--binding-profile BINDING_PROFILE]
                           [--security-group SECURITY_GROUP | --no-security-groups]
                           [--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS]
                           [--qos-policy QOS_POLICY]
                           [--allowed-address-pair ip_address=IP_ADDR[,mac_address=MAC_ADDR]
                           | --no-allowed-address-pairs] [--dns-name DNS_NAME]
Create a port for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


        ID or name of the network this port belongs to.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

        show this help message and exit

--request-format {json}

      DEPRECATED! Only JSON request format is supported.

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

      The owner tenant ID.

--name NAME

        Name of this port.

--description DESCRIPTION

      Description of this port.


      Desired IP and/or subnet for this port:
      subnet_id=<name_or_id>,ip_address=<ip>. You can repeat
      this option.

--device-id DEVICE_ID

      Device ID of this port.

--device-owner DEVICE_OWNER

      Device owner of this port.


        Set admin state up to false.

--mac-address MAC_ADDRESS

      MAC address of this port.

--vnic-type <direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal>

      VNIC type for this port.

--binding-profile BINDING_PROFILE

      Custom data to be passed as binding:profile.

--security-group SECURITY_GROUP

      Security group associated with the port. You can
      repeat this option.


        Associate no security groups with the port.

--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS

      Extra dhcp options to be assigned to this port: opt_na
      6}. You can repeat this option.

--qos-policy QOS_POLICY

      ID or name of the QoS policy that shouldbe attached to
      the resource.


      Allowed address pair associated with the port. You can
      repeat this option.


      Associate no allowed address pairs with the port.

--dns-name DNS_NAME

        Assign DNS name to the port (requires DNS integration