Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Web Server

4.6. Folder Structure

The following is the default folder layout after a successful installation:
|-- bin
|-- doc
|-- etc
|   |-- httpd
|   |-- postinstall.bat
|   |-- ssl
|   `-- sysconfig
|-- include
|-- lib[64]
|-- sbin
|-- share
|   |-- apache-tomcat-5.VERSION
|   |-- apache-tomcat-6.VERSION
|   |-- java
|   |-- tomcat5
|   `-- tomcat6
`-- var
    |-- cache
    |-- log
    |-- run
    `-- www
The Windows folder structure follows Red Hat Enterprise Linux conventions:
  • The bin and sbin directories contain the executable files for Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat.
  • The etc folder contains configuration files for Apache HTTP Server and the post-installation script.
  • The share folder contains Apache Tomcat 5 and 6 installations and shared Java JARs.
  • The var contains four sub-directories:
    The cache contains resources cached by the server..
    This log folder contains the log files for HTTP Server and Tomcat.
    Apache HTTP Server looks in this folder for web content in the default configuration.
    The run folder contains PID files.