Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

11.3. Changing JBoss Data Virtualization Settings Using Management CLI

To edit a particular JBoss Data Virtualization setting, run the following command within the Management CLI:
/subsystem=teiid:write-attribute(name=SETTING_NAME, value=VALUE)
For example:
/subsystem=teiid:write-attribute(name=max-active-plans, value=50)
For more information about the Management CLI, refer to the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Administration and Configuration Guide.


After modifying any of these settings, you will be prompted to reload the server. Changes to these settings will not take effect until the server is restarted. You can reload the server by running the reload command from within the Management CLI. After the server reloads, you may have to reconnect by running the connect command to continue working within the Management CLI.