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Appendix A. Spring Boot Maven Plug-In

A.1. Spring Boot Maven Plugin Overview

This appendix describes the Spring Boot Maven Plugin. It provides the Spring Boot support in Maven and allows you to package the executable jar or war archives and run an application in-place.

A.2. Goals

The Spring Boot Plugin includes the following goals:

  1. spring-boot:run runs your Spring Boot application.
  2. spring-boot:repackage repackages your .jar and .war files to be executable.
  3. spring-boot:start and spring-boot:stop both are used to manage the lifecycle of your Spring Boot application.
  4. spring-boot:build-info generates build information that can be used by the Actuator.

A.3. Usage

You can find general instructions on how to use the Spring Boot Plugin at: Following is an example that illustrates the usage of the spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin:



  <name>Fabric8 :: Quickstarts :: Spring-Boot :: Camel</name>
  <description>Spring Boot example running a Camel route</description>


    <!-- configure the versions you want to use here -->

    <!-- maven plugin versions -->



    <!-- Enabling health checks -->


    <!-- testing -->





For more information on Spring Boot Maven Plugin, refer the link.