Chapter 6. Known issues in Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.0

This section lists known issues with Red Hat Decision Manager 7.8.

6.1. Business Central

In guided decision table, the verifier feature does not work properly for columns with the Date data type [RHDM-1399]

Issue: In a guided decision table, the verifier feature displays an error when you open a table that contains a specific combination of template keys in the actions column. These template keys are associated with the Date data type.

Workaround: None.

You cannot select the cell of a guided decision table [RHDM-1398]

Issue: You cannot select the data cell of a guided decision table with the help of a mouse.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Business Central, go to Menu → Design → Projects and click Mortgages.
  2. Open the Pricing loans guided decision table.
  3. Click the data cell of the guided decision table.

Expected result: You can select the data cell of the guided decision table with the help of a mouse.

Actual result: You cannot select the data cell of the guided decision table with the help of a mouse.

Workaround: You can select the header cell using mouse and then navigate into the data cells with help of keyboard arrow keys.

You cannot use undo and redo keyboard shortcut keys in the grid editor [RHDM-1397]

Issue: You cannot perform undo (Ctrl+Z) or redo (Ctrl+Shift+Z) operation in the grid editor with the help of keyboard shortcut keys.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new DMN diagram.
  2. Add two decision nodes.
  3. Press (Ctrl+Z).

    One decision node is removed.

  4. Navigate to the grid editor of the remaining node.
  5. Add some context entries.
  6. Press (Ctrl+Z).

    The same context is present.

Expected result: You can use undo and redo keyboard shortcut keys in the grid editor.

Actual result: You cannot use undo and redo keyboard shortcut keys in the grid editor.

Workaround: The Undo button from toolbar works correctly.

You cannot convert the rule names from guided decision table into a spreadsheet decision table [RHDM-1396]

Issue: You cannot convert the rule names from a guided decision table into spreadsheet decision table (XLS).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Business Central, go to Menu → Design → Projects and click Mortgages.
  2. Open the Pricing loans guided decision table.
  3. In Columns tab, display the rule name column.
  4. In Model tab, set some custom rule names.
  5. Save the guided decision table.
  6. Convert the guided decision table into XLS file via toolbar button.
  7. Open the generated XLS file, click Source tab, and verify the rule names.

Expected result: Custom rule names are correctly converted from guided decision table into spreadsheet decision table (XLS).

Actual result: Custom rule names are not correctly converted from guided decision table into spreadsheet decision table (XLS).

Workaround: None.

The performance for DMN-based test scenario is degraded when the tested DMN model includes a PMML model [RHDM-1415]

Issue: When you create a test scenario for a DMN model which includes a PMML model, the validation and creation of a test scenario takes time and the performance is degraded.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Import a project in Business Central.
  2. Create a DMN-based test scenario including DMN model, which contains PMML model.
  3. Click OK.

    Tests run slow and test scenario takes too much time to validate.

Workaround: None.

Assets are not properly indexed for clustered Business Central environment [RHPAM-3089]

Issue: When you install Red Hat Data Grid, AMQ Broker, and Business Central in a clustered environment, you receive warnings and error related to indexing.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Red Hat Data Grid and AMQ Broker.
  2. Configure Red Hat Data Grid and AMQ Broker.
  3. Configure Business Central in a cluster.
  4. Start Business Central.
  5. Select Menu → Design → Projects.
  6. Open the MySpace space.
  7. Add a new project.
  8. Click Add Asset.

    The Assets window appears.

  9. Add an asset in the project and save.
  10. Return back to the project window.

    Newly added asset disappears.

  11. Check Red Hat Data Grid and Business Central logs.

    You receive an error messages related to indexing.

Workaround: None.

Custom export functionality is not supported in the Red Hat Decision Manager [RHDM-1402]

Issue: Custom export functionality requires at least one page to export the dashbuilder related data. In Red Hat Decision Manager, you cannot create any custom pages.

Workaround: None.

6.2. Installer

The Red Hat Decision Manager installer contains references to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.2 [RHPAM-3077]

Issue: When you run the Red Hat Decision Manager installer, the installation path step references to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.2 instead of Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.3.

Workaround: None.

6.3. DMN Designer

When you include a PMML 4.4 model into a DMN model and then save or validate the model, DMN throws an error [RHDM-1400]

Issue: You cannot include a PMML 4.4 model into a DMN model, the DMN model throws an error.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new empty project in Business Central.
  2. Create an empty DMN model.
  3. Import one PMML asset with the 4.4 version into the project.
  4. Open the DMN model.
  5. Select the Included Models tab.
  6. Click the Include Model and select the PMML 4.4 model.
  7. Click Include.

Expected result: You can include a PMML 4.4 model into a DMN model.

Actual result: You cannot include a PMML 4.4 model into a DMN model.

Workaround: None

When you try to invoke a Business Knowledge Model (BKM) function from included DMN model, the validation fails [RHDM-1395]

Issue: You can not call the BKM function imported from another DMN model, which is aliased with the name containing . characters. If you try to invoke BKM function, the validation fails.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an empty Salary.dmn DMN model.
  2. Create an another empty WorkingHours.dmn DMN model.
  3. Import WorkingHours.dmn DMN model into Salary.dmn DMN model.
  4. Set an alias for WorkingHours.dmn model by including . character. For example, working.hours.model.
  5. Validate the model.

    You receive an error message.

Workaround: None

6.4. Red Hat Business Optimizer

In Constraint Streams API, the performance of incremental score calculations is degraded using groupBy() method [RHDM-1385]

Issue: When you use the groupBy() method in Constraint Streams API, the performance of incremental score calculations is degraded on a high level.

Workaround: You can use the DRL score calculations.

6.5. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Business Central pod fails to start when known_host file is missing from the Git hook secret [RHPAM-3056]

Issue: The Business Central pod fails to start and remains stuck at Container Creating status if the known_host file is missing from the Git hook secret.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create the following post-commit script.

    cat post-commit
    echo "running post-commit git hook"
    git clone
  2. Upload this post-commit file into the Openshift.

    oc create configmap githook-post-commit --from-file=post-commit=post-commit
  3. Create the Git hook secret.

    oc create secret generic githook-ssh-key-secret --from-file=id_rsa=/mypath/.ssh/id_rsa

Expected result: Business Central pod does not fail even after the Git hook secret is missing some configurations.

Actual result: Business Central pod fails to start and remains stuck at Container Creating status.

Workaround: Specify the following known_host file and create the Git hook secret again.

oc create secret generic githook-ssh-key-secret --from-file=id_rsa=test_manual/.ssh/id_rsa --from-file=known_hosts=test_manual/.ssh/known_hosts